Would-be cooqueror BASE
City o< Atbłan in the Błue Aroa ot theMoon
HEIGHT 5 ft 11 in WEIGHT 180 Ibs EYES Błue HAIR Black
Fantastc Four §47. Fobmary 1966
Son ot'Agon atu! brothcr to Hi ack Boi t, thc young Maxinm* exhibiccd no outward sign ot' c hangę after his tirst exposurc to thc* genc-ałtermg Terngen Mtsts make thc Inhumans who thcy are. But sccretly. Maxnnus cxhibńed a strong desirc to rule. a desirc hc kncw could ncver be fuUilIed whiic his brothcr, Black Boh. limb
Black Boh caught M.ixmuis fbrging an alliance with the Krcc, thc alien race who wen* responsiblc tor the crcation ot* thc Inhumans. Black Boh s sonie scream destroyed the Kree warship. and also shattered Maximus'grip on sanity. Thcrcafter he bccanie known as Maximus the Mad.
However. his desire tor power only inercased with his inadness. and Ma x i mus has devotcd his every rcsource to wresung control of the Hiddcn Land of the Inhumans front his noble brothcr in a coup d’łtat. AD
Mummus possosses a genius lew* Inlołocl tnf\ampe»ocl by sartty. ano possessos the obity to ovwwhelm thu tftought-prootttsm ot those m
FIRST APPEAHANCE Cloak and Doggef Vo> i »1 (Octotoor 1983) REAL NAME Bng<l 0'Ro.lly
OCCUPATION Foimer poftcewoman. vigilantc BASE NewYorttCrty HEIGHT 5 ft 4 m WEIGHT 120 Ibs EYES Green HAIR Green SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Sk« conslanlly sccreles a pwsonous gas; this can cause paralysis if it gets m Woodstream and can serve as truth drug; Maynem is niso able to rty
TJłe połsoooos <)n produced by Mayi txxJy is uscd in h€
As a New York police detective. Brigid (TRcilly confrontcd the eigilantc partnership Cloak and Dagcek. Feeling chat their approach endangered innocent lives. Brigid was initially hostilc to them, but becantc morę tolerant when she learncd of* their origins. Following a confrontation with scveral corrupt police ofliccrs whiic she was investigating a drug-snuiggling operation.
Brigid was killed by poisonotis gas. Howewr, the interwntion of Cloak and Dagger led to her resurrcction as a superpowered ) cnabling her to exact revenge. Since then,
Brigid has adopted the alias Mayhem and become a vigilante. targeting New York drug pushers. AD