TME'0 271

TME'0 271


Sentinel of the Spaceways










Norrin Radd


Spacofanng adventurer



HEIGHT 6 ft 4 m

WEIOHT 225 Ibs (vanabJe) EYES Sih/er (bfue as Radd) HAIR Nonę (btack eyebrows as Radd)


Fantastic Four *48 (March 1966)

Over the ye.irs the H.irth has played to host to a varicty of cxtraordinary beings: super-powered licroes and eillains, mutants and Norse fcw creatures have been as powerful yet restless as that enigmatic alien entity, the Sih er Surfcr. A galactic iw wanderer frustrated by tlie hedonism and complacency of his world. the Sorter developed a similarly ambivalent relationship with the Earth, where the altruisin of so many was sullicd by the J3 wanton nialicc of a fcw.

Bofod and frustratod by Mo on Zenn-La. Norrin Radd sought a morę chalenginy ewstence.

Nw4>it«s the galaxy at lasier-than-kyht spaeds. rking vrtuały (ndłtttructbłH boant car channcł cosmć sfifi>oy to uuonent stfwyjlh, r*wi othcfs. and rwtrucM© mott**

ALLIES Fantastc Foir. Shato BoJ. Atoo Mosters. Al B Hatpar, lho DoterxWa, Mantte. Nuvn

FOES . »'actis. Moph*t Terra*. Yam> Gcrt. the Abominatton. Ooorrwdny Man

Bom Norrin Ratki on tlić* taraway world of Zenn-La. evtrn as a child Norrin was something of an outeast.

Wanting for nntlnng. the Zenn-Laviam were an casy-going pcople whereas Norrin luingered for a inorc meaningful, vibrant lito. A restless adult. evcn Norrin s lifelong companion. Shalla-Bal, eould not quictcn his spirit. li was only when the Zcnn-I avians detectcd the approach ofan alien entity—Galaetus, devourcr ot worlds—-that Norrin came into his own.

!l Kr-f

In exehange lor Galactns sparing Zenn-La, Norrin offered t«» heconie the emnys Herald—to scour the galasy tor plancts devoid ot lite hut suitable lor Galar tus' nceds.To empower Norrin lor this role, Galaetus plucked an old adolescent fantasy front the young Zcnn-Lavians ntind and transformed hnn imo a silsrr skinned crcatnre who eould travcl the galaxy on a silver hoard. Norrin had hecame the Sileer Surfcr.


Sihror Surfor Vot. 2 Ul Itotuming toZcnn*la the Słiftor dł$cov**s it hos been «tovastaied l>y

•    Fantastic Tour K4&-50 'r

GrthK.lLd' first oncountor wttli Earth.

•    Sitver Surior Voi. i * 1 Stan Leo tetts the ston of tho Stfvw Surlor s oocjns rt tho cfwnctor s first

młx*ws Norrin 1 Rrłtk) wrih the


Owr timc it becamc increasingly difticult tor tho Surfcr to find appropriate worlds tor his master, and so Galactu* began to make subtle changes to tho Surters mmd. Hic Surfer was nudo to care loss about avoiding scnticnt lifo, and coundcss worlds and pcoples woro sacrificed. Until. that is, ho arrived on tho planet Earth.

Thcnc the Surfcr encountored tho Fan tastk Four and Alicia conipassion and heroism reawakonod tho Surters supprosscd


Although his heart remains with his first love. Shalla-Bal, during his interstellar voyages, the Sitver Surfer has romanced several other women. The most significant of these was Alida Masters who. during their first encounter, had revived him from his Galactus-induced mental stupor. For a time, Alida joumeyed across the stars with the Surfer, but she eventuaUy dedded to return to Earth. Years eariier, the Surfer had been linked to the Ceiestial Madonna, an Earth-bom cosmic heroine, but she died during their battfe agamst the Elders of the Universe. Tragedy aJso ended his ^ relationship with Nova. A former Herald of Galactus, Nova died battling her f successor as herald, the evil Mórg.

Freedom regained

F.ssenttalh exilcd to tho Earth. tho Surfcr nevcr stopped yearmng t<> trawi amongst tho stars oncc moro. With Rood Richard s help he found a way ofdoing this. but his wanderings wero not without upscc. Returning to Zenn-I a. tho Surfcr discowrod that although his people still survived, Galactus had returnod and raoaged tho planet. Tho Surfcrs visit to Zonn-La was curtailed when ho loarnt that his old lover. Shalla-Bal, had been

Not the tmt of friends. tho Srtvec Surfer and Galactus rogułarty tace e«ch ott>Of in battlo.

would tmprow it throatened by a ooininon enemy, ho transforniod himsolf into mankinds nemesis. Only a "Sonic Shark" missilo. crcatod bv Rood Richards. onded tho threat that ho posod

lOtions and he aligned himsolf with thoin. rcatened with tho Ultimatc Nulhlior. a ipon created by Rood Richards (Mistfh \mastk:), Galactus was dnwn otl". but not beforo punishing tho Sikor Surfcr for his creachery: Galactus \\ rappod a tield

arouml the Earth designed to prowent \ tho Surfcr froin evor leaoing.

\ In tho yoars that followcd,

Galactus returnod to Earth \ sowral timos. wislnng to j the Surtcs as iiis . herald. l ach unie the j Fantastic Four hclped / drive him away.


he Silver Surtor arrivcd on th as something of an :ent. The malewlent R Doo.m played on this efriending the Surfcr and g his powers. Wlion Doom .myłupwsi w icavo tho Earth ho ran into Cialactus* cosmic barrior, losing control of these powers and enabling tho Sikor Surfer to gam them.

•\s the Surtor traveled tho world, he unc incrcasingly appalled by inankinds gon y and cruclty.The Surfer boliovcd he had lcft behind a stagnant, complaccnt world only to arrivc at ono soiled by imbition and greed. Hoping that humanity

kidnapped by tho demon Mi i*ilisio—a crentun* bont on cornipung tho Surfcrs soul. Arriving back on Earth. tho Surfcr freod Shalla-Bal and providcd hor with sonie of his owij cosmic powor—sufticient to    j

hoal thoir home planet. I

His exie on Earth over. the Suder sets out to twptore


In the following yoars. the Surfer romaincd an itincranc wanderer, forewr searching for fulftlmcnt but ncver quito fmding it. Although ho embarked on a scries of relationships, theso worc gcncrally short-lived. A romance with Mantis. onded in tragedy following a battlo with tho F.ioers of i hi Universl. while tho Surfcrs relationship with Nova, another herald of Galactus, was similarly thwartod.

It was tho Surters friendship with Alicia Masters that seemed to have the most potential. Striking up a romanco, for a timc the pair travelod tho galaxy togothor. but cvcntually Alicia wantod to settle down back on Earth. whcrcas the Surfer wished to continue his noniadic > f Ji cxislence.To this day he remains a galactic wanderer. returning to    .

Earth at regular intcrvals hut remaining sceptical of its

long-term pmspects. AD    X j

As Nova. Frank* Raye was one of Galactus moro recent łieralds.



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