J FACTFłLE > REAL NAME ki Matthew Mtchaeł Murdock
X Lawyor < BASE
Q H6K's Kuchen. New York City
HEIOHT 5ft 11 in WEIOHT 185 Ibs EYES Bloe
II DaredevU *1 (ApnJ 1964;
When ha trnom hu cumo-
career. DerodiM woeo a ye*ow and red ęoeturw aimtor k> Ihat ol a
0Osp«e hm blndneea. Deredewit ronmrw»o *Our acneoe Uwe boen honod to suport**nen tosmie. He śm.i poeeeuset a bu*-n Radar S*dm thel aNows hmt to detoct Hm contoure of hm enworwnent A trorcO athirto and ftOTOtMl he came* a My dub ihat can be t orwmted nto a Mnd mar s cane. * ateo contarm a roated throwang me that Mows DarediM to swmg over ttw rooflop© or entangte an enemy.
ktcotege m Muodock n iowb wlh «ocCtmng« student Eiektra Natchtos. The two would ona day becoma mptescahl* łoes
One fjcelul day. Matt saw a Wind pedestrian ahout to be strućk down bv a truck. Matt rushed to the old mans aid. knockmg him froin the path of the wincie. In the crash that followed. a canister ofradioactiw materiał tell from the truck and striu k Matt in the face. I )espite the best elfom of the doctor*, Matt woukl thereafter be blind.
However Matt discovered that the accident had a second cfiect on him: alj of his remainmg senses had been enhanced to a supcrhiunan degree. Additionally, he now possessed a kind of built-iii radar Sense. which allowed him to detcct the contours of his cnvironment and compensated for lus laek of sight. Inkially owrwhelmed b\ lns powers, young Matt sought out the former Ninja master known as Sm k. who trained him to contro! his newfound abilities.
In the meantnne.Jack Murdocks career had gone down luli. thanks to the Fixer. who paid Murdocks opponents to take dives. Now the Fi.\er demanded that Jack Murdock throw his next bout.With his son m the audience. Murdock coukhl*c do it he defeated lus much younger opponent. aml was gunncd down by the Fixers men after the figlu.
Iii order to track down the men who had murdered his father. Matt Murdock. now a successln! lawycr, adoptcd the costumed identwy of I )aredevil, the Mail Without Fear. After the Fixer had been brought to justiee. Matt eontinucd lus crusade. figliting crime iii the worst areas of New York Lity, hunting down by mght sonie of the same perpetrators he would defend m court by day. TD