19136 TME&5

19136 TME&5


The ław offices of Goodman. Lieber. Kurtztx»g & Hołfcway

HEIGHT 6 łt 7 in WEIGHT 650 Ibs EYES Green HAJR Green. brown as Jennifer Waltera


The Savago She-Hutk1 Ftbruary 1980

As the She-Hulk, Jonntfer Waltera possessos sufwfhuman slronrjtii and durabiKy. She car wilhstand exlicme temperaturo and hor skin

iS Nęjhfy lOSiSlanl to irt|ury

[>vBn to rrwłdnoss by Sciirlot Wdchl5 hex l*»ver n Aionpws. U-sassembied.

The cousin of Bruce Banner. who would one day bccomc the HuiK.Jenniter Walters pursued lierdreani of becoining a successful lawyer. Sliot by criminals whose boss she was prosecuting, Jennifer received a life-saving blood transfusion from her cousin Bruce. But this infusion ot g.nnnu-irradiated blood had an efłect on Jennifers physiology similar to tliat experienccd by Bruce himself: the repressed part of her personality began to manifest itself as a green-skinned powerhouse: the savagc She-Hulk!



At tirsr Jennifer kept ber ilu.il role as th Siu- Hulk a ser ret. Hut over time. she łomui th.it slie enjoyed being the She-Hulk. w ho. whilc defimteiy an cxtrovert. was far morę controlled than

lier coasins ramp.igmg altcr ego. She began to spend morę and morę time as the She-Hulk. using lier gamma-spawned strength to battle villainy. both alone and in concert with other superhuman champions. liventually. the She-Hulk was oflered membership in the mighty Avencers.

I hereafter. transported to the Dattlcworld created by the celestial Hi yondkk alougside lier fellow Awngcrs, She-Hulk fouglit in the Secret Wais alongside a number of other prominent Super Heroes. Once the conflict was rcsolved, thcTiiiNG announced th.it he intended to remain on Battlcworld, and asked the She-Hulk to take his place in the FantasTK: FoUR.which she did for a time. becoining almost one of the fainily. During her time with the FF. Jennifer abandoned her identity as Jcnnifcr Walters. remaining in her She-I Iulk form fuli time.

Legał troubleshooter

However. the She-I Iulk s morę boisterous personality created problems for her down the linę. and she was asked to move out ofAvengers Mansion.At this Iow point in her life, she was reeruited by the law offices of Goodman. Lieber. Kurtzburg and I lolliway, a firm specializing in superhuman law— htigation involving the extraordinary. Hut a condition of Jennifers employment was th.u she pursue her dutics in her nornial human state. rather than as the She-Hulk.

It is as a litigator for Goodman. Lieber. Kurtzburg and I Iolliway that the She-Hulk bas truły found her place, using her legał knowledge to try cases involving gliosts, time travclers and cxtradimcnsional realms. whilc at the same time employing her strength and power as the She-Hulk to combat any threats tliat might arise from tliose cases. TB


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