Guardian ot the Nexus o (Ali
Swamp in the Flonda evergiades that conceals the Nexus of AU Realities
• Adventuros Into Fear 917-19 & Man-Thing
91 TlwM-si-PwigłtfKJaragtagbandołaiiios indudng Dakimh tho Sorcoror. Jomifor Kale. KorrcK the Barbonan ona Howard tho Duck deteod tho Noxus ot All ReaKies from Thog The
• Giant-Size Man-Thing 94 Man -Thing is drawn to »ie pain expenor>cod by an angst ridden tngh school student.
HEIGHT Around 7 tt WEIGHT Around 500 Ibs EYES Red. bulbous HAIR Nonę
Savago Toios Ul. May 1971
AU wito fear buru at the Mau-Thiug’s touch!
Man-T hing
ihiilappafcto msuranco ctaims adiustor Nathan Mehr comes lace to Ince with the shambling. monstrous Man-Thing.
Ted Saliis was a research scientist on a project airning to rcplicate the Supcr-Soldier formula that empowercd Captain America in the 1940s. But he was betrayed to the sinister criminal thiuk-tank known as AIM, who wanted his research. Fearing that his work would fali into evil hands, Saliis destroyed his notes and injected hiniself with the only sample ot his serum. But while fleeing for his life, hc crashed his car in the swampland surrounding his laboratory, and was seeminsdy killed.
Unknown to Saliis. the area in which hc*d located his lab was close to the Ncxus of Ali Realities, a mystical gateway that linkcd all ofthe myriad dimensions of existence. In sonie mysterious fa sili on, Saliis s serum combined with the ambient mystical energies ofthe Nexus, and caused the vegetation ofthe swamp that mrrounded his almost lifeless body to reconstitute him as a mindless. shambling mass the Man-Thing.
Possessing scant intellect of its own. the Man-Thing is instead cmpathetically attuned to his surrounditigs. While Ted Saliiss sotil still resides within the great bcast, in generał the Man-Thing is mindless. reacting onlv to the emotions ofthose around him. Fear causes the Man-T hing great pain. and he will journey forth from his swampy home to put an end to any source offear that causes him distress. Because of a quirk of chemistry in lns make-up. any creature who feels fear in the Man- I hings presencc burns at his touch.
Nflrtuały indostructibie. he has sppethuman stranglh. Fear causos him pan. and changos his Chemical make^ł) so tliat tt w touch ol his body burns thoso who ted fear In l«s
Swamp Protector
Empowercd by the Nexus to serw as its sileni, unsleeping guardian. the Man-Thing rarely str.iys front the vicinity of the swamp, and if circumstanccs force him to do so, he always returns. Hut anything that mighr threaten the sanctity ofthe Nexus. or that of the swamp itself. sooti comes to know the mindless ragę of its unspeaking protector! TB