Captain America
Brooklyn. New York: Stark Tower CAvengers Tower"). Manhattan, New York
HEIOHT ó ft 2 m WEIGHT 240 IbS EYES Bkie HAIR Blond
In the late 1930s, with the threat of worid war looming in Europo, the American high command embarkcd upon a program to create the perfoct soldier. Project: Rebirth, spearheaded by Dr. Abraham Erskine, was intended to create a battalion of supremo fighting men, stronger and morę resilient tlian normal soldiers, expertly trained and equipped a bulwark against Nazi aggression.Tlic first test subject for Erskines revolutionary Super-Soldier Serum was a young, would-be artist natned Steve Rogers, who had attempted to enlist, but had been turned away, classified 4-F, because of his physical frailty. '
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Abraham Frskrw. cperatmg under the codename Pictossor Ranstein. croewj the Super-Sołdtor Serum l łt łuroed frari Stevo Roger* mto a perfectspectneno* hisnanRy
Captain America Comics #1 W*ch 1941)
The Super-ScMie* Serum brought Rogors to the peafc o4 phyocai perfection; abte to W twico hwown body wwyht. eoepert mlitafY stratogfet Otympie tevei martwi artot and gymnast: rwistart to dsease and Jatiflue
ALLIES BuCky Bames, Nk* Fwy. Sharon Carter. Rek Jones, The Fflfcon, Nomad (Jack Morw*). Tho Aveogw5
Subjcctcd to Erskines process, Rogers’body virtually doublcd in sizc, as millions of healthy cells wen? creatcd almost instantaneousk. His phvsique was acceleratcd to the pmnacle of human perfection, all wcakncss and dcficiency drained out of it
Howeeer the sccrct test area had been infikrated by Nazi sympathizers. who siew Dr. Erskine, the only person who knew how the process worked. Although Rogers quickly e.iptured the saboteurs, ir was elear that there would be no battalion of super-soldicrs now— Stcve Rogers would be the only one.
rOES Ii c> Rod Skul, Baron Zemo, MOOOK, the terronsl org»val>ons AJM and Hydro. Croaeborwt
Captan America burs* r*c aeson baftłng l-ftttor n h»*> first »ssoe Cap* shwW changad shape to dreuwr n tortheomng «6uee of obwefcorts trom tt*» owtore of anothar Iwro caUed
The ret ul t of a melatturgical .miJem, Capu im Amerita ’s shieiJ is the mott Jur.ible objęci knoutt
Captain America amv» o the nefc ot tnie to prwecit Stwroo Carter beng ttósted rto the błue, oooteey ot Na-9 moneco Rod Sku*.
Equipped with a virtually unbreakable red, whitc and blue shield, the product of a metallurgical accidcm, and trained in combat. taetics, espionage. and the fighting arts, Rogers was reehristened Captain America. Clad in a striking star-spangled uniform, he bccame a symbol for the US fighting forccs and a dread nemesis of the A.\is powers.
In his many battles against Nazi aggression, Captain Amerua wasjoined by a sidckick, the worldly James “Bucky" Barnes, who had discovcred the sccrct of Rogers’ truć identity.
Amona U» loes combated by Cap n tho proeor* « MOOOK, tw ł.V ■;. Orgarwęm Designed Only for KWng MOOOK Mt tho IOW* Of on cwpormenf by the t*r*Ttpr thnk-tank krłown Adwmced Idea Machanie*. c* AiM