32930 TME)2

32930 TME)2


















Mobile, usually withm the Skrull Empire


Fantastic Four *18 (September 1963)

The Super-Skrull« an extratorf«Ursal possossmg the combinod obńties of tho Fantastic Rxr. and tho physcal matoatuMy common io ai Skrułis He can project hypnotic enorgy frorn his eyes.

HEIGHT 6 ft WEIGHT 625 Ibs EYES Green HAIR Nonę

Super-Skru* ram prc^oct a beant that bnetly fwralyzes and makes foos do he> w»®.

Aftcr Ute Fani a vi ic Four prevented the Skrui ls front conquermg Earth, the Skrull Empcror vo\vcd to dcwlop a ińipcr-weapon that could destroy them.

His scicntists created the Super-Skrull, a warrior bionically re-engineered to possess all the powers of the Fantastic Four.The

Super-SkruHs first battle endcd in failure and he was imprisoned by the Fantastic Four. I le eventually escaped. taking on the identity of the lnvincible Man and kidnapping Franklin Storni, the father of the lnvisible Girl (see Invisiull Woman) and Humań Torcii. but his succcss was short-lived and the Fantastic Four again defcatcd him.Temporarily exiled for his repeated failures, the Super-Skrull was drafted back into service during the Kree-Skrull War. He recemly battled Genis, the son of the origina! Captain Maiwfl. when he kidnapped an Earthling who had the ability to warp reality. I le planncd to use the young woman s talents to aid the Skrull Empire, but she foiled liini by wishing her powers away.Thc Super-Skrull is now hiding on Earth in hutnan guisc. TB


UJ FACTFHJE O REAL NAME ^ Supremor ^ OCCUPATION “ Planotary leader j BASE UJ Kree-Lar h

JE HEIGHT n/a u WEIGHT n/a ^ EYES Black wrth yettow pupils U HAIR Green stałks CC


“? Fantastic Four *65 (August 1967)


Jj|    I he Supreme intcfcgooce

j®;.j| possessos ttw combinod ntcttecl ol

^ tte nreatost minds in Kree history.

10 lf¥ł i***1-,he Supremo Intcftgcnco has prołectod its consciousnoss mlo a powerfii artjfoal body in crdor to activeły engago m banie.

At ono point, Supremo \ kiteihgence wshod to arJd Rick Jones and Mar-Uofl to J , its bram bank,    /

Few ot tho Kroć raco escape the noga-boml> błast. but those ihjit do wN oontlnue to osoNe and jwrpefualo tho Kroo empire.

Decades ago, the Krff race learned that their atu tent intergalactic cnemies.the    The imcttgonce detonates a noga

*    t>omb. to wpe out most oł the

Skrui i s. had successttilly    Kroe and krekstart thoir ©wiutior*

created a cosntic cube. In an efTbrt to maintain parity

with them they created the Supreme Intclligence, an aggregate entity madę up of the fmest minds ever to exist within the Kree empire. Upon their deaths, those brains deemed wortlty of being added to the great repository wcrc altsorbed tuto the Supreme Intclligences make-up. adding their knowledge and experiencc to its own.

Shortly after its creation, the Supreme Intclligence seized control of the Kree empire, beconting at oncc its supreme dictator and an object of religious worship. In this capacity, Supremor bas guided the destiny of the Kree. ever attempting to overcome the evo!utionary dead cud that this spacc-faring race of ntilitaristic conquerors had secmingly reaehed. v v



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