19251 TME1

19251 TME1



Super-strong demigod son of Zeus



Dirrrg his 12 łabors. Hercules kiłod a flock ol man-eatlng twds ix*x>ging to his ha/t brother A/es. tho god ol war, who has hatod hirn ever sine©.

Hercules is the son of Zeus. king of the Gods of Olympus, and a mortal woman. He is bcst known for his Twclve Labors. which lic carried out to prove that he was worthy of immortality. He also mado three enetnies during the course of these labors: Ares, the god of war, Pluto (Hades), the lord of the underworld and Typhon, the giant son ofTitan.

Hercules: aiiases Heractes. Harry Cieese







I lercules is known throughoui Olympus as the Prince of Power and he lives for the thrill of battle.

I Ie also belicvcs that it is a gre.it honor to figlu him and often bestows this so-called “gift" on both friemls and foes alikc. Instead of a handshake. Hercules likes to greet his tellów Ayfnc.lrs with a friendly punch in the face!

In modern times. Hercules met and battled Tium when the thunder god accidentally journeyed to Olympus. Hercules later trawled to Farth to renew his acquaintance with the Asgaidi.ni and unwittingly signed a contract that madę him Pluto s >lave. After being rescucd by 1 hor. I lercules returned to Olympus umil the Enoianirkss cast a spell on him and sent him to battle the Aeengers. He later joincd the team when Zeus temporarily exiled him to    V » Duncmn tho tncet

L artli. He was taken prisoner by Ares and his

minions. but reseued by the Aecngers. Hercules joincd Thor on a joumey to the far end of the gala.\y, where they battled the Dcstioycr. and l£<;o, mii I.imng Pi anli. He also joined the 1 os Angeles super-team known .is the Champions and spent time as one of the Di ienpers.

The Trials of Hercules

Hercules was nearly bcaten to dcatli and left in a roni when the Masiirs of Evil seized eontrol ofAvengcrs Mansion. He eeentually reeowred. but fought the Avengers during a bricfbout of insanity. Wliile fightin the HlCIi Evoluiionary during the so-called "Evolutionary Wars.'*.. 1 lercules was mutated beyond godhood. but later regained his normal appearance. His stepmother Hera. who lud always resented him. conjured an lllusion of a mortal woman and cast a spell on Hercules so that he tell in lovc with it. He was heartbroken when he learned the truth. TD

HEIOHT 6 ft 5 in WEIGHT 325 los EYES Blue HAIR Da* tyown


Joumey Into Mystery Annud # 1 (1965)

Hru ulcs c.m br rash jnJ stubborn bul it usually grtgjrious and e\ubtrjnt. lic is a fiilh/nl frirrtJ jnJ imlianl wjtnor irho lorrs ihr thrill of boltlr.


•    Thor *124-130

•    The Avcngers: Undor Siego tpb

• Hercules: Prince of Powor tpb

V .. .................    ..J

Virtin»y imrnortoJ. Trmłwd n hartd-to+end combal and anc*cn< Groek WHStling ExoHłent ani«er W«idso practcaly iiłdosinjclt»:« gokJeo mace.



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