Prince Namor is the mutant son of a blue-skinned Atlantean princess and an American sea captain. He was raised in the underwater kingdom of Atlantis and grew up hating all surface dwellcrs. During World War 11, Namor briefly sided with the Allies against the A.\is Powers and joincd the super-teams known as the I\vadprs and the Liberty Legion.
Pnnce Namor. aka Namor McKenzie. aka the Sub-Manner OCCUPATION Lord of Atlantis.
CEO of Oracle. Inc.
BASE Atlantis
Occastonalły Namor hełps orotect the surface worid but tw pnority s the wetfare ot the peopto ot Atlantis, /
Aftor rcpcatodty batt/mg the Fantastic Fotr, Namor eventuały madę peace willi łbem and © now ttiw greatost alty.
HEICHT 6 ft 2 in WEIGHT 278 IbS EYES Blue-gray HAlFt Black
Motion Picture Funnies Weekty »1 (1939)
Atter the war, Namor bccame a member of the
Ai i -Winners Squad, but returned to Atlantis
when tłu* Squad disbandcd in 1949. He returned
to the surface worid in the latc 1950s wliere he
encountered a man cailed Dlsi iny who removed his
tnemory and sent him to New York wliere he lived as a
derelict. His niemory was restored byjohnny Storni, the
I li .MAN Torch. but Namor turncd against the human race when
he learned that the city of Atlantis had bccn destroyed in his JjjmM
V I >;u Ulg li:s li:st b.ittlc w itll the 1 w i \m i* I * n u \ .:::nt u-ll m U»\v willi ilu- I'.'. IMIU i W • ’ M W who was >lh-d :)w Imtsibk ( •:11 ,it ilu- tum* .ind >-tK:vd to sp.-.re
:! viu- hr. mi. h> h: i.ir II.- I.mi .itu mpu d to w in H9ShHH| h\ hm mg .i nio\ u- studio .md otthimg tlić 1 intastK MśSSSfi^t.
I - I- .1 :::i I.'!, .ioll.ns to st ,1 :n . ni.coi tttotiot’ pu :mv Bgfittg, '&9K3
Itrozen in ice. In a fury, Namor liurlcd the hgure into the kca. I he ice mclted to reveal Captain America, who was I Liter picketl up and rcvivcd hy the Ayfnccrs.
Tragic Loves
Namor cventually tell in fjgWM love and married the Lady
jc Awngers. Namor madę peace with
TPfc them and cven bccame a member
°f dic team. He used the vast j
Inc.. a company that he uses to fight the pollution caused . '
Super-strenglh. stamna and durabUity (thoso traits dedne the moro tlme he spencłs out ot wator)-Amphibtaus; can swim underwater at 60 mph; can see ctearty n the ocean depths. Tołopathic rapport with marinę He and can dupbcate many ot thor abfflties; wmgs on anWes enabłe tBght: long-łivod.
Namor became smrtton with Sue Storni, but goBantły stepped asde onco she decided to morry Reed Rchards.
• Fantastic Four *4 ?.t-
rognrns his mornory and declaros war on the surface worid.
• Fantastic FourAnnual *1 Namor is
reurvted with the kingdom of Atlantis and mvades Now York City.
• Talos To Astonish «70-76 Namor seeks the sacred tridenl of Nepture and proves that he © worthy to nie Atlant©
• Murvol Foaturo 91 1 łelps form the Dotonders.
• Avcngors 9262 Namor joins tho Avengers.