f Jones, Jessica |
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APPEARANCE Alias #1 (Novomber 2001) |
Jones, 1 |
REAL NAME Jessica Jones
OCCUPATION Pnvato irwestigator BASE NowYorfcCity HEIGHT 5 ft 4 m WEIGHT 120 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES As tho Super Hero Jeweł. Jessica Jones possessed ttx> powers of flight. superhuman strength. and a high resistance to injury.
FIRST APPEARANCE ncred.bte Hulk #347 (Seplomber 1998) REAL NAME Marlo Chandter-Jones OCCUPATION Talk show host. comic shop owner BASE las Vegas. Los Angoios
HEIGHT 5ft8.n WEIGHT 135lbs EYES Green HAIR Red SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES exce»on1 physical shope. Al one point she acqured the abllrty to see the spints of dood people
Marlo Chandlcr met and dated the Hulk when hc was in his greyjoe l:ixit personality and working as a bodygnard for LasVegas casino-owner. Michacl Berengetti.
She broke off the relationship after witnessing the I Iulk savagely kill an enemy. Marlo later met the 1 Iulk s triend Rick Jones, when he was on a book tour promoting his memoirs. Rick and Marlo married and hosted a television talk show called Kceping Up With the Jonescs. Rick and Marlo separated. madę up. then broke up again. Despite their many ups and downs, Rick and Marlo are still together. MT
Jones, Marlo
A shiftlcss teenager, Rick Jones had no idea how his life and the world would change the day he snuck onto a military testing facility on a dare. for the test of a new Gamma Bomb was being carried out, and it was only through the sacrifice of Bruce Banner that Jones survived the blast—the same blast that cursed Banner with becoming the Hui.k whenever he became enraged.
Fceling enormous guilt over his catalytic role in this chain of evcnts. Rick remained by Banncrs sidc, helping him to conceal his sec ret from the military. Thereafter. when the Avenc.ers were formed in response to the threat of the Hulk. Rick became an honorary member. 1'rained by Captain America, Rick scrved as his partner for a time. and subsecjuently worked in concert with botli Capiain Mar-Vf.ll and his son, Genis“Vell (sec Capi ain Marvi;l), and with the space knight known as Rom. Most reccntly, Rick secretly bankrołled the young superhuman help group known as £xcclsior. tb
Jones, Rick
For a limę. Rickfc motecutes wero morgod with thoso ot tho Kreo hero Captain Marvel.
When tho car shc and her fainily wcre in collided witli a cruck tuli of radioaccive Chemicals, young Jessica Jones acquircd superpowcrs.Thc rest of her family was killed.Taking the identity Jcwcl, she used her powers to battle criminals umil the cvil Zebediah Killgravc. known as the Pukpi f Man, took control of her mind and enslaved her. After losing a battle with the Avencers. Jessica fell into a coma and undcrwent psych ic therapy with Jean Grey. Shc gave up bcing a hero and opened a detcctiw agency specializing m cascs involving supcrpowered beings. MT
FIRST APPEARANCE Uncanny X-Men #327 (Oecember 1995) REAL NAME Unknown OCCUPATION Adventurer BASE Xavier InsWuto. Now York State HEIGHT 6 ft 2 m WEIGHT 190 Ibs EYES Blue-pray HAIR White SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES As Magnoto s c:one Joseph has the same power as Magneto—the at>1ity to control magnetism and magnetic forces-frequontly to devastat«ng effect.
Astra of the Bkotiierhooo oi Hm Mutan is crcated a clone of her enemy Magneto hoping that it would kill the original.
The clone physically resembled the 20-ycar-old Magneto.The clone and Magneto clashed in Guatemala. Magneto knoeked the clone unconscious and escaped.When the clone camc to. he had lost his memory.
HEIGHT 5 ft 9 in WEIGHT 165 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Brown
Incrodtbk) Hulk »1 (May 1962)
courogoous spirit and tf» expen fKjłitmg skiłs of one trainod by Capiain America
Sistcr Maria de la Joya > nursed him back to healch and a child at tlie orphanagc where she worked named him Joseph. Sister Maria sent Joseph to the US to seek help from the X-Men, but they believed that he was rcally Magneto, only younger and with amnesia. Nevertheless. they allowed him to join the team.
In a finał confrontacion with the real Magneto. Joseph brawly sacrificcd his life in order to save the worki from Magneto s attack on the Earth s magnetic łields. Magneto s dreams of world conqucst would havc to wait a little longer. MT