58909 TME33

58909 TME33


o Wong




Dr Stranges Sanctum Sanctonjm. Bieeker Street. Greenwich \AIIage, New York City


HEIGhiT 5 ft 8 in WEIGHT 140 Ibs

HAIR Blood; Wong currently shaves his head


Strange Taies #T 10 (Juty 1963)

Wong is an oxport martioJ artist. althoogh he ha$ not aciiveły prąci cod fus skife, in sevwal years. He is a higiiły otr>c»Dni mansoryant with a variety of homemakng sWte. and utterty *oyal to Doelor Strange.

The youngest surviving niember of a bloodlinc whose members sereed the

mysticał Ancient Oni-. Wong was offered into servu e of the master mage at the time of his birth. He / was turored and became skilled in ff; those arts which would make him of valuc to the Ancienr One.    ffl

including a decp study of the    W

martial arts of Kamar-Taj.    >4

When Wong became an adult.    Kfl

the Ancicnt One dispatched him to the United States, so that he could bccome the manservant of A the Ancicnt One s former diseiple, Doctor Strange.

Since that time. Wong has been a faithful retainer to Strange, dealing with all the trivial earthly matters that would otherwise distract the master sorcerer from his noble mission: defending the F.arth from mystic peril. TB

loNewYorks i


FIRST APPEARANCE Thor *148 (January 1968)

REAL NAME Oirk Garthwaite OCCUPATION Criminai BASE Mobilo HEIGHT 6 fi 3 tn WEIGHT 320 ibs EYES Blu© HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Soperhuman strenglh and inv\jlnorabili1y. montal link to his enchanted crowbar allows him to translor his powers into the crowbar. and thon back to himsełt.

Wrecker was violent criminai who uscd a crowbar to dcmolish the scenes of his crimes thereby binder i ng imestigation.When he was accidcntaily given magie powers by Karnilla. the Norn Quccn,

Wrecker went on a rampage that attracted the attention ofTiiOR. Placed in prison by the Asgardian autoinaton naincd Destroyer. Wrecker escaped with three other inmates who took on the costumed identitics ofTHUNi>RRHAi.i , Bulldozer, and Pilcdriver. collectively known as the Wrecking Crcw.This tbursome latcr joined LIaKON /.i-.mos Masters of I-yii . MT

As wefl as possossing somemrior mysticaJ słołis. WongrsHn excołorrt cook.


FIRST APPEARANCE Marvol Team-Up *48 (August 1976)

REAL NAME Brian DeWoJH OCCUPATION VgJante crimolighter BASE New York Oty HEIGHT 5ft11in WEIGHT 190 ibs EYES Bluo HAIR ReddiSh-Wond

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES AWo to affect the minds Of Others. controlling thom. casting ilusions. or rendering himsetf invts»blo; also abie to ovade Spider-Man* 'spiefer-sonso.'


FIRST APPEARANCE Matvel Promiore *31 (August 1976)

REAL NAME Woodgod OCCUPATION Ułwgim ol the Changolings BASE The Rocky Mountams. Colorado HEIGHT 6 ft 3 in WEIGHT 265 Ibs EYES Rod HAIR Reddish btown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Woodgod possossos superhuman strength and an immuiity to norvo gas

Woodgod is a genetically engineered being. crcatcd by scientists I )avid and F.llen Pace. Combining hunian and animal genetic materiał, the Paces created Woodgod, who rescmbles the half-human, half-goat Satyr of Greek mydl. The townsfolk of Liberty, near the Paces farm in New Mexico. convinccd themselves that Woodgod was a dangerous monster.

Thcy tried to kill the creature using a canistcr of a deadly nervc gas im ented by David Pace. Woodgod proved to be imniune to the gas, but the Paces were both killed.The Clrief-stricken Woodgod discovcred the Paces* notes and created a race of half-human. half-animal beings, which he called (diangelings. The Ghangelings found a secret liome away from humanity in the Colorado Rockies. Woodgod dreams that one day the Ghangelings will be able to come out of hiding and live in hannony with the human race. mt

Respoiuling to an incident, police ołłicer Brian I )e Wolff was crippled when a hullet lodged in his spine. In his effort to heal his son, Phillip De Wolff transformed him into a superpowered, flesh-and-blood autoinaton that only he could control. Turning his son into a vigilantc named the Wraith, Phillips control of Brian came to an end following the intervention ofSpiDER-Man and Iron Fist. Free at List. Brian continucd his career as a costumed crimcftghtcr, until slain by the Scourge. AD



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