76125 TME16

76125 TME16




Edward Charles “Eddie" Brock


Former journalist. later vigilante


New York City

HEIGHT 6 ft 3 in WEIGHT 260 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Reddish-blond


The Amazrng Spider-Man #298 (March 1988)

The symbioto ftowed over Eddie ffi Brock. viewing the suicklal fOumahsl as a ketclred spirrt. M


Verdugo, Sandra

SSjgB Ucnom possosses supertjuman ffl >. S Strength. speed. arxl ogWy. Uko % ^ Spider-Man. his hands and feet WM can adhcro to most sufaces.

Can project web-tka substanco from his ‘costumo.’

Whilc Spider-Man was on the Bi yonders “Battleworld,” hc acquircd a black costume. which turncd out to be an alicn being chat bonded itself to him. Spider-Man rejected this alien symbiote. which then latched onto an ex-Daily Globc columnist Eddie Brock. He had wrecked liis career by idenrifying the wrong ntan as a murderer known as the Sin-Eater—an error reyeałed by Spider-Man. Brock also had cancer and had resolved to kill himsclf.When the symbiote bonded with Brock the cancer went into remission. As Vcnom, Brock becamc one of Spider-Man s deadliest rivals and foes.

When Brock s cancer returned. he sold the symbiote to crime boss Don Fortunato. who gave it to his son Angelo. As a second Venom.Angelo attacked Spider-Man. but the symbiote deserted him in mid-battle, and Angelo fell to his death. The symbiote

then bonded with Spider-Man*s enemy Mac Gargan, the Scorpion. who became the third Yenom. PS

FIRST APPEARANCE IncrwMH* Hulk vol 3. #36 (March 2002) REAL NAME Sandra Verdugo

OCCUPATION Mercenary. Home Base operative BASE Motete HEIGHT 5 tl 8 in WEIGHT 122 Ibs EYES Black HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Reoptenl ol H-Soction Programming: is aWe to recover from most injuries and revive from death: bfilliant markswoman. athlete and hand to-hand combatant.

A one-time member of the US Special Forces, Sandra Verdugo worked as a mercenary before becoming pregnant by Doc SAMsoN.When Sandra s eight-year-old son was kidnapped. the clandestine orgnnisation Home Base oftered her a deal. Home Base would rctrieve her son if Sandra would agree to bccome one of their operatives. 1 ler mission would be to capture the I luiK. Sandra agreed but it wasn’t long before she turncd on her new employers. With the help of Doc Samson and the I lulk, Sandra was reunited with her son just before I lome Base*s headquarters were destroyed. Mother and child are thought to have perished in the coniiagration. AD


FIRST APPEARANCE Captain America *272 (August 1982) REAL NAME Unknown OCCUPATION Unknown BASE Motele HEIGHT 6łt WEIGHT 220 Ibs EYES Red HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Suporhuman strength and spood. Toeth and naiis can cut through soft metais Groatfy enhanced sense of sme*. Can command rats to attack an enemy.

Hotrcrer, hc ii'oulJ kill criminals oulriglil.

Driven by a shared hatrod Of r Spidcr Man, the cornposite | cmature Vonom mado ropeated attempłs to kM him.

The being now called Vermin grew up on the streets of New York City where he was found by Baron Helmut Zcmo, the son of a Nazi scicntist, and Am im Zola, a Nazi gcncticist.These two changcd Vertnin so chat hc rescmblcd a rat, and gaincd rat-likc abilities. He was then sent out to kill Zemo and Zolas longtime enemy, Capiain America.'Vermin sent a pack of rats to attack the bero, who managed to survive and capturcd him. Vermin cscapcd and was taken to Zemos base in Mexico, but later returned to New York. where he was eventualiy capturcd by ('aptain America and Spider-Man and taken to a high security mental instilution. MT



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