40396 TME 8

40396 TME 8




Namorita Neptunta (a.k.a. Namonta Prontiss) OCCUPATION College student BASE New York City

HEK3HT 5 ft 6 m WEIOHT 225 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Blonde



Half-human. half-Atlantean, Namorita was a clone ofhcr mother, Namora. although she was an adult bclorc she discovercd this fact. Orphaned when she was sriłl a child. Namorita was watr hed over by Namor the Sub-Mariner and his fricnd Betty Prentiss. It was their love and support that carried Namorita through the tragic and traumatic loss ot hor

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mother, When she bccame

an adult. they also hclpcd and encouraged her to attciul a US college.

Not long after starting college. Namorita bccame a tounder member of the New Wakriors. a team of young Super Heroes, with whom she fought against the Hu i ions.

Pro iluś andTfcRRAX. The group provided Namonta with i < errain amount of security and stahility, but not all her time with them was happy: her first attempt to le.ul the team resulted in the kidnap of many team members' families. They wcrc eventually reseued and Namorita has continued as an actiw team member. A O


Sub-Mariner vol. 1 #50 (Juno 1972)

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FIRST APPEARANCE •    =.‘    '



hei with enfiancod strongth and dur otuliły. and a numtW ni lunlt-in we,ipons

< laiming io be the grand-d.mglt ot the m.ul I k.uiTha\os.

Nebula embarked oii a careei o a space pn.ue. hijacking llianos' old tlagslup S.maiuny II and attempting to coiujuer the IragmetUeil SkRtl i I mpire. I lei ainbitions were thwarted by the A\ t nchin. lnu not hefore she intlieted i .itastrophn d.unage upon the planet Xandar. When I hanos was reborn. lic denied any rei.itionslup to Nebula. w ho newrtheless almost siu ceoded in wresting the omnipotent Infmity Gauntlet away from him. She then attacked Noya, elaiming that her father had been Zorr. a menace destroyed by tlie heros predccessor, Nova Prnne. Nebula s idemity was also udopted for a time by Rayonna the lerminatri\. TB


FIRST APPEARANCE Shanna lh« Sh«.Devil *5 (August 1973) REAL NAME Nekra Sinclair

OCCUPATION Subvers<ve. cml pnestess BASE Motyle HEIGHT 5 ft 11 in WEIGHT 140 Ibs EYES Black HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Mutant whose feebngs o( hatred for ihe wodd and humanity m generał endow her with superhuman strcngih. agihty, and durabillty.

Gemma Sinclair and Prederick Beechman wcrc accidentally exposed to radiation at the Los Alattios Atomie l’roving Grounds. As a rcsult. Gemma* daughter Nekra was boru a mutant with clulk-whiie skin. An outeast. she tcanicd up with Beechman s mutant son Jcrome. who had apelike features. As they grew older. they discovered their superhuman powcrs.As Nekra and the Mandrill. they attempted to contjuer threc African nadons an< latcr the United States.

Nekra bccame leader of a fanadcal religious culi. Afterwards. she bccame the ally of the Avengers* foe. the ( Jkim Reapfr. He killed her. but she was resurrected by 1 IiLLsroRM. PS



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