Goddess; adventurer
HEIGHT 5 ft 10 in
WEIGHT 108 Ibs
EYES (Soowbird) White; (Annę
McKeozio) bluo
HAIR Pale blonde; (in animai
Son of Satan
Nelvanna, goddess ofthc Northern Lights, wished to have a cliild that was half human, half god, a ęhiłd that could defend humanity from the mystical Greac Beasts. Shc mated with a human named Richard Easton, and the Nadve American
sorcerer MichaelTwoyoimgmcn raiscd the infant .named Narya. Narya grew to adulthood wirhin a łcw years, and James Mac ł Donald Hudson invited her and Twoyoungmen to join Am*ha la iCiKua team ófstipcrhuman operativcs he was organ izing for che governmcnt.
form) Whrte
(as Annę McKenne) Uncanny X-Men *120 (Aprtl 1979)
Snowtard can assumo the lorm oi a himan woman or of any animai rvłtrve to the Canadan Arctic. Sho has suportiuman slrengtn and the aWity to fty.
Snowbird can bocomo any animai natvo to the Canacftan Arctic. gainłng as abifctes. When $he takes iheform of a croatoro smałcr than herseif. like an owt, 8he ł)ecomes a humans*zod verson of It.
Narya took the name Snowbird, and took the cover identity of Annę McKcnzic, an officcr in the Canadian Mounties.
FIRST APPEARANCE locrediblo Hulk *231 (January 1979>
REAL NAME Daimon Hełlstrom OCCUPATION DemonoSogist. occirtt 'nsrcsttgator BASE San Francisco
HEIGHT 6 ft 1 in WEIGHT 180 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Red SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Commands cons<terabl« supomaturai powers and can cast spclls to transport himsełf and others between Earth and mystrcal dimensions. He can project a fire-like mystical eoergy callod soulfiro or iłeiifire. and can ałso tire powerful concussiv® onorgy blasts
Daimon IlcUstrom is the son of a demon father named Satan and a human mother. Sent to an orphanage after his mother s breakdown, Daimon retumed homo and discovered ber diary, from which he learned tlte truth about his father. Satan brought Daimon to the demon s netherworld domain, where. using the name Son of Satan. Daimon vowcd to batdc hi father. As Son of Satan hejoined the Dhi i ndlrs and eventually dcfcatcd his father. MT
Another Alpha Flight inember.Walter Langkowski, could transform into a legendary monster called a Sasquatch. Sasquateh tell under the mental control of Tanaraij. one ofthe Great Beasts.To stop Tanaracj. Snowbird siew Sastjuatch s physieal body.
Annę McKen/ie married a tellów ofFicer in the RCMR DougThompson, and they had a son. Subsequendy, a menace called Pestilcncc took mental possession of Snowbird. Hudson s wife Heathcr defeated Pestilence by killing Narya’s physieal form. Langkowski s spirit took I over Narya s resurrectcd body, becoming the new L Sasquatch. Snowbird s spirit later gained a new body gBk and retumed to Alpha Flight. PS
Snowbard can transforrn hersett Into a Sasquatch, atso known as *B*głoof. Sho aiso gains mass włieo becoming a largor craatire.