Bucky Barnes
James Buchanan Barnes OCCUPATION
Advanturer, army camp mascot
HEIOHT S ft 7 in WEIOHT 140 Ibs
EYES Brown HAIR Red-browr
Orph u i James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes was a mascot for die sokfieri at Camp Lchigh,Virgima, where Stcve Rogcrs was sudoned. Altcr leammg that Steve was Captain Amirka, Barnes began hclpmg hini on his^^ nussions. ind evcntually becamc his official Mh^k America aiul Bucky werc in /jó-, I
Captam Amanca $1 (March 1941)
partner. Captam London when they discovered that thcir old enemy Baron Zlmo was attempting to steal a bomb tilled drone piane. As the piane took «>tV. Bucky leaped aboard and was apporently killed trying to defusc it.
d America was huried int< Śk
I .ngiis.i ( h.miul I >łn .ułes l.iter Cap
...... - 11
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' -i * r flH
P»r*onały trarwl bv CapUri Amorr a. Bm ky toamed Cap* irwjuo V *03 oiyte that
Cnmnal; torronst BASE
HEIOHT Sft 11 n WEIOHT 210 Ds EYES Red HAIR Nona
Mafval Taam-Up $16 (Dacembar 1973)
FIRST APPEARANCE Ur Kv,y X V<. *333 Uun* 1996.
REAL NAME S*t-v *or
OCCUPATION Ana-Mutanl cruMd« BASE Motele HEIOHT S ft 3 *> WEIGHT 375 *» EYES Rad HAIR Whrte SPECIAL POWERS/ABIUTIES Enhanced Mrenflffi. speed p*»y*cal Mamna. and rmtunc* to imury: atoo wrmurta to
teiepatNc prnbea
Gancnśad mcrowove-ivlaled onargy, vrt»ch ha ooJd pmiect Vnm ha oyas aa lorce btwtr to »wat or thnga. ortokwuio tem*e# Poeaoaaed eupertmmon łtrerrgth and ckrtMty and cotftf Weport IwnaaE
When burglar Basil Elks trted to steal a gem front a museum..» guard fi red his gun. stnking the gem. The "gem” was the Alpha-Stone of the
Kri i . which cyploded, givmg Flks superhuman powers. F.lks dubbed hnnsclf Basilisk after the mvthologic.il serpent.
Basilisk tried to destroy civih/ation. onls to be thwarted bv Situ r-Man .ind the I MIM. F.lks was assassmated by Si t>i R(.l 1 lie second Basilisk was a mutant who could shoot a parały sis beam Irom his single cye He wasJolled by Kuan Yin Xorn. who impcrsuiiated Magneto and led a new mutant Brothcrhood. ps
The being known as Bastion is a hunian Sfniinu hybnd, possessed of elements of the Scncinel robot known as Master Mold
and the advanccd Sentinel prototype front the tuture called Nintrod Adopted by a human wontan named Kosę Gilberti. the human-lookmg Bastion at lirst had no memory ot his origm I a ter, the Sentinel influcneed Master Malt! and Nimrod parts of his being reawakened. and he set about assemblmg the International anti-mutant strike torcc known as Operation: /ero fiakrom c. Using Pmnc Sennnek, Bastion capturcd Cyi iops.
W<H\TRIM .Sn >RM, Pi hhn:\. and ( annonba: i and took ovcr the Xa\ier Institute. Bastion was esentually stopped by SI III-1 I). MT