Sorcerer Supreme
Dr. Stephen Vmcent Strange OCCUPATtON Former eurgeon. now Sorcerer Supreme cA Earth'* dmension BASE
177A Bieecker St. Greenwich V*ag*. Manhattan
HEK3HT 6ft2ln WEIOHT 180 KM EYES Grey
HAIR Black; whrte *t tempiee
St rango Tates 0110 (Juty 1963)
of liarth ’s dimension
(Jroeto* tneetory ol ttw ar1» c* mapc Hian jnygno 0*0 *> Farm* dmen*on: mm profocttjn and n^ntal conwtoróaeson Pciwaw vanou» maffeał perapnamate. nciucłng csuuk ol kivsaSłon whr h anablM h*n to t*. and amm ltu> Ey* oł Agamotto
• Strange Tales 013O-146
Doctor Stosngn baUW Borco Mordo and Doanairmu and Iręt nw<5 Ftemrty
• Strange Tales *150-168 Doct Slraro* tr- • oorrtoott Umer and encountort the l vng Tnbunal
• Doctor Strange (second series) 01-2, 4-5 Doctor Strange bctfttm. S*vwr Dajgor, ckoc and w reeurracled
Strange journesed toTibct to meet a hcalcr known as the Ancieni Om Inidally. Strange. a man of science, refuscd to beliew in the magie powers chat the Ancient One claimed to have. I Io\vever, Strange discosered the Ancient Ones pupil Baron Mordo intemied to murder his master. Mordo east a spcll on Strange that prewnted him from uttering a warning to the Ancient One, but Otlierwise allowed him to speak. Not only did Strange now know that magie was real, but hc also reeognized the oristence ofevil and reali/ed that it must be tought. Evading the restrietions of Mordo s spell. Strange asked the Ancient One lf hc couki becoinc his pupil. I hc Ancient One freed Strange from Mordos spell, resealed that he was we 11 aware of Mordo s treachery, and acccpted Strange as his new apprcnticc.
Anctfw wraon cA Strange* j cr«>\ ho MW njorwfJ ’
According to the originnl account. Doctor Stephen Strange was a higlily successtiil but arrogant surgeon whose brilliant carcer was abruptly cut short by an automobile accident. Strange suffered minor nerce dainage. which prewnted him from holding a scaipel stcadily enough to perlonu Mirgcry. E\hausting bis fortunę searching in vain for a cure. Strange ended up an alcoholic derelict.
Upon completing his training. 1 )octor Strange liwd m New York Citys (irccnwieh ViHage.The publu does not beliew m magie and considers Strange to be mereh an ccccntric authonty on occuk lorę. Hencc chey are unawarc that Strange has dceotcd lus lite to protecting
humamty from supcrnatural menaccs from our own worki and mystic realms, such as his cnemies Mordo. Nightmari and Dormammi . When the Ancient One died. Doctor Strange mherited his role as Sorcerer Supremę of Kartli and the dimension in which it e.\ists.
Doctor Strange has alhed himself with Larths leadmg costumcd crimcfighters. such as Spider-M \n. tlie X-Men. and the Aslnc.ers. i)octor Strange also tounded the Dm.M>ERs.a team ofsuperhuman champions that often induded the Huk and Namor. PS