Of course. the most important diing besides knitting needles is yarn. So we’11 start with a brief description of the most common kinds of yarn.
Alpaca wool (nul to be confused with Alpakka b.ming) comes trom alpaca*. whtch aro part of the Hanu family and live in South America. Alpaca woo! i' filie, soft, and slighth curly. You can get about 1 kg (about 2 Ihs) ot wool trom an alpaca every 2 years.
The fur of Angora rabbits is finc and lightweight. but also relative.ly dclicutc. Angora hns a vcry high moisiure absorption capacity; it can absorb twiee as much moisturc as virgin wool and tour times as much as cotTon without fcclingwet. Angora rabbits can be sitom cverv 3 m.mths and each shearing yields about 250 g (about ' i Ib) ofwooł.
Ribbon Yarn
Rihhon yams are madę primarily trom cotton or eiscosc. Tlicy are ovailahle in knit or \vovcn form and in Jiftercnt widtlis.
Cotton—wbite gold -is tłu- oldcst known fiber in the world. It grows in tropical and subrropłcal climates, is a pure, natural product. and Joes not
causc any allergies. It is breathnble and can absorb a lot of moisturc. It feels cOol and comfortable cven in hot weathcr.
Something ncw on the market is naruralty colorcd cotton, which is grown primarily in the U.S. The earth-tonc colors rangę front łight ycllow to brown, Ir om khaki to olive.
Merccri:ed ccnton is treated with concentraced, wartn s«\la lye ro malec it shrink-proof, shiny, and stronger.
Cotton can be gas-treated to singe >itt the projccting fiber hairs to make the yarn cven smoorher.
Boucle Yarn
Bouclć yarn is madę trom spccialry yarns with irregular loops, twisted together with a “support thread" tlwt is generally thinner. The denser rhe loops, the bullcier the knilted piece.
Boucle yarns .irc generally madę triom wool or wool mixed with other yarn. For llght sununer, boucle yams. cotton and łinen can also be Twisted togo t lier.
Cable Yarn
bor cable yams, two or morę spinning threads are twisted together. Then >everal twisted threads are twisted togerher again. Cable yarns are very duraWe, but usually thev are not as soft as norma! yams
Boucle yams