The most important force in shaping Old English was its Germanie heritage in its vocabulary, sentence structure and grammar which it shared with its sister languages in Continental Europę.
1) Old English, like its contemporary European languages, was a highly _ language.
Meaning was determined by case endings In the Middle English period, English tended to lose its case endings Meaning in a sentence was determined morę and morę by word order, grammatical gender began todisappear (1 point)
2) What are the three tools that we have to consider for the study of language? (3 points)
3) What are the Four Myths of Language? (4 points)
4) Discuss the myth of teleology (4 points)
Langu»gcv mwrKed with a dagoer IT) arę extmcl
t tocnarian
90 - 85: bdb 84-77:db+ 76-68:db 67 - 57: dst+ 56-46:dst 45-0:ndst