- the period of a still lasting warm forest climatc are most substantially marked in|thc Polish landscape up-to-date. Therefore, the studies of the project MR 1^25. concentrated on the history of the naturę in the last decadcs. The fundamental* transformations are shown in the logarithmic scalę in order to emphasize the changcs Jf which have taken place during the period of human actwity.
The results were based on the radiocarbon datings. Two hundred and fifty datings* were madę for the project in the laboratory of Gliwice (M. Pazdur et al.in presśj®he‘-(^ changes of climatc and vegctation have becn recognizcd in the early, middle ąndjlatejp Vistuhan (Stankowska and Stankowski 1985; Tobolski 1984) and the double glaaaficTnsj in the last cold stage have becn proven (Drozdowski. 1986). The detail facial analysj‘i£q£: the deposits of the marginal zones of the Last Glaciation in the western Poland bećame^ the basis for a rcconstruction of the deglaciation (Kasprzak and Kozarski 1984;, Kozarski et al. 1985). The melting of the dead ice blocks turned out to be older ih‘anłthc^ Alleród (Niewiarowski, in press) The concept of an abstract post-glacioteclonic surfaće ą of the period of the older glaciation has been suggested for the periglacial zonę (Rotriięki-1985). The grain size analysis and that of the quartz abrasion cnablcd one to dehmit^the-cxtenl of the glaciofluvial and cxtraglacial waters at the foreland of the last tcć-shect (Rotmcki, in press). Among the stages of the transformation of the periglacial zone^of the vallcys older phase of the Vistulian has been learned morc preciscly (Klatkowająrid ,> -H Turkowska 1984).
The particular attention has been paid to the valley evolution during the^last 15UU0 years as a result of the cooperation with the 1GCP— 158 Programmc cntitTe'd "Palcogeography of the temperate zonę during the 15000 years". The studies of;ca.
20 reaches of the Vistula valley and its tributaries (Starkel, cd., 1981, 1982, in pressj^on the sections of the Prosną valley (Rotmcki 1983), those of the Warta river (Kozarskii 1983; Kozarski and tobolski, eds, 1981; Kozarski et al. 1984) and those of the Słupia* rivcr (Florek 1984) have been completcd. The role of the climanc changes, that bfj vegetation and of the human impact havc becn evidenccd, and Falkowski^ hypothesis-'(1975) on the changes in the naturę of the river channels from the braided into the meandering ones in the Lateglacial and, in turn, into the braided ones during the recent ccnturics has becn gcnerally confirmed. The change of the braided river channels into’ the meandering ones at the threshold of the Bolling has becn provcn in the middle' Warta valley (Antczak 1985; Kozarski et al. 1984). However. the transformation of the large meanders towards the smali ones has becn First recognizcd by Szumański (1983) in, the San valley. The phase of the anthropogenic aggradation in the last millenium was 1 recognized at the best in the Wisłoka vallcy (Starkel, cd. 1981) and in the upper Vistu!a * yalley (Rutkowski and Starkel, eds. 1984). The role of the eustatic changes in the Baltic-* base level (Drozdowski, Tomczak, Wiśniewski — - in: Starkel ed. 1982) and that in tectonic movemenis (Niedzialkowska et al. 1985) have been determined in the Vistula valley as well. The studies on the inserts of the channel alluvia facies, channel parameters and channel shifts became the basis to State the morę stable periods in the . Holocene alternated with humid phases of a large frequency of floods (Starkel 1983) jf which correspond to the cooling and increased humidity, the lattcrs rcgistcred in the lluctuations of glaciers, landslide activity, and changes in the lakę levels and those in the