Year I (semesters la and 2nd)
2 hours weekly
Course groups from 5 up to 10 students.
Test after the 1* semester Exam after the 2nd semester.
Adiunkt dr Danuta Popinigis
Broadening knowledge from the area of musie history with particular emphasis placed on the development of musie genres and forms in the context of style and technical changes as well as other changes in the areas of culture. Semester 1* involves the knowledge from the Middle Ages, the 2nd semester - Barogue.
Years II and III (semesters 3rd - 6th)
2 hours weekly
Course groups from 5 up to 10 students.
Tests after the lfi and 3rd semesters Exams after the 2nd and 4* semesters.
Adiunkt Dr Danuta Szlagowska Adiunkt Dr Jolanta Woźniak
Broadening the knowledge of composition styles and techniques, characteristic for Classicism, Romanti-cism and the 20th Century.
Years I and II (semesters la - 4th)
2 hours weekly
Course groups from 5 up to 10 students.
Test after the 3rd and 5m semesters Exam after the 401 and 6th semesters.
Adiunkt dr Teresa Błaszkiewicz Sr. lec. Barbara Długońska Assistant MA Renata Skupin
Advancing the theoretical knowledge and practical abilities of the student in analyzing a musie piece in aspects of it's structure, main features of the compositor's crafstmanship and stylistic evolution. The edu-cation process involves the main formal genres of instrumental musie, arranged according to the rising complexity. The subject of analysis are the universal masterpieces (analytic canon) as well as literaturę connected with the instrumental speciality (instrument or instrumental groups).
Year I, II and III (semesters la - 601)
2 hours weekly
Course groups from 5 up to 10 students. Credits after the la, 3rd and 5* semester, Exam after the 2nd 4* and 6th semester.
Akademia Muzyczna w Gdańsku pakiet informacyjny ECTS Wydział Instrumentalny [49]