FIRST APPEARANCE i Tcenny X Men >10Q (May 19ftv HŁAL NAME Unreve«ed OCCUPATlON Former leader of the MOftock*. former moda! former bodyguard BASE Formerły tha AHey (tunnei beneath Manhettar... Mc -Ma
HEIGHT 5#8r WEIGHT W Ibt EYES Bk# HAIR B^ck SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Superhunwmly keen semee. •rtciudmg wght v«aion.
Cannontwi Mamę rto WoNcnne AlorceMI
pf&tocts brn Von the monet
actcd as leader ot* thc MtHLUH ks. mutant outeasts who hvcd bcncath thc Manhattan streets.
Whcn Mistfr Simstfrs Mar u ncrs massac red thc Morkx ks. I allisto was one ot thc surv ivors. Shc and most ot* thc renuining Morloi ks werc taken t*» anochcr dinicmion b\ Rasru hn.TIutc Callisto and orgam/ed thc young Morlocks into thc rernsrist group Clenc Nation.Thc Morlock M.isijuc transtormed C 'allisto s arms into tentades. Calltsto bccainc a gladiator m thc underground orgamzation thc Arena, and then joumcycd to (.cnosha and led a band ot*muiants therc. PS
Horn and raiscd in Haiti. ('alypso won mituted into the arts ot’ Voodoo.
Mceting Krayfn iiif I Ii.mir sbortlv aftcr his tirst by Sptnm-M n\. ('alypso formcd a low-h.uc artachmcm to him. Shc enjoycd sccing Krawn cnragcd and trkked him into attackmg thc Wallcrawler agam.
Aitcr Krawn s dcath, Calypso became unhingcd. killmg hor sistcr to obtain her powcrs. Although killcd by thc I i/jMld, Calypso nsurrcctcd hcrsclf and clashed wirh Darli >lvh, bcforc dying om c morc, at thc hands ot Alyosha Kiasinotl. ad
Samuel Guthne OCCUPA TłON
Adventurer; student, ex-coal rruner BASE
Protesaor Xav#rs Schód for Grfted Youngsters. Salem Center. New York
Sam (Juthrtc *s mutant abiłuics tirst rcwalct! themsekes whilc hc was trapped in a coal mmc with a group of co-worfcers.The stress tnggcrcd his powcrs ofpropukion, whieh Iiclped Irce (iuthrie and his partncis. latcr, Donald Picrre, a umegado incmbcr ot thc Hhi muf Ciii,found Guthrie ustng a dcvicc hc lud buflt frorn stolcu plam tor Pr<h EssOR Xs mutant locating dcvicc, Cercbro. PieiYc rccruitcil Guthne to help him battłe Prufessor X and his Ni u Ml ian is. Piercc ordered Guthne to kill thc New Mutants, but lic refused. Piercc tried to kill Cluthnc, but Prołcssor X sascd Ciitrhrics lite and dctcatal Picrcc. Xa\icr invitcd Ciuthric lo 10111 thc New Mutants as ('annonball. Hc bcsainc one ot'thc teams lcadcis.aiul lato: a incmboi
HEIGHT 6 fl WEIGHT ISOlbs EYES Blue-gray HAIR Blond
Mannl Grtphtc Nov*l U (1982)
Poeeeewe muianl pcwer u> creotw thermo Chemical energy «nd rotease < trem h# body In a power^i buet. Forc« Md vrnx»xJng body gMM ■uperhumar durabity
FIRST APPEARANCE f.ew Mutant* Vol I *16 (June 19S4.
STATUS /Aan ideceasedi REAL NAME CalypeoEz-OCCUPATICN WltCłr. troubiemaker BASE New YarK City HEIGHT S 1t 8 n WEIGHT 120 *» EYES Browr HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES SkAed m Vbodoo combnee
pobone and spcaa to confu*e enem#*, contro!* *oem#s wkh Yorumba *p*nt ckum, can rew* deed and resurrect hersetf.
Thr t^ual jmJ opposUe rtJition lo rhr thcmto-ihrmiijl rucrfy < unnonholl gtnerjtfs proptls his hoJf into tht jir likf .i hunum roikel.