26539 TME6

26539 TME6




In ono aftemate futurę, the successfiJ assassńiaiion of Senator Koty te<l lo the cteath or impnscnmenl ol an mi/tHnts.

FIRST APPEARANCE Rw Eter' i s Vo 1 «•» -January 1977) REALNAME Karkas

OCCUPATION Schdar BASE Oiympw HEIGHT 8 (t 3m WEIGHT 1.260 Ibs EYES Black HAIR Nooe SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Possesses > ipemuman strength. His thick h>de. rosom bling an ełephants. grves mm supertiuman resistanc© to m|ury.

The l)eviants an? an evolutionary otlshoot of humanity \vith an unstable genetic code.Those whose genetic makcup varies bcyond standards set by the Deviant priesthood are labeled nnitates. I he Dcviant mutate Karkas was raised to be a gladiator, but at heart be was a philosopher. Mc was defeated in the arena by another mutate. Ransak the Reject.Then Karkas asked Thkna, a visiting F.tfrnai . to grant sanctuary to himselt* and the Reject. She transported them to Olympia. home ot' the Htcrnals. Evcr sińce then Karkas has bcen a staunch ally of the Htcrnals. PS


FIRST APPEARANCE Journey mto Mystery «»107 (August 1964) REAL NAME Kamilla

OCCUPATION Sorceress and Oueen of Nomhe*m BASE Nomhoim. Asgardian dimension

HEIGHT 6 ft 6 in WEIGHT 475 Ibs EYES Purple HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Long-lived: suportiuman strength: can pro»ect magcal power bolts and create a magical sh-eld

For centuries, Kamilla. Queen of Nornheim and the most powcrful sorceress in the Asgardian dimension. vied with the Goi >s of Asc.ard, often allying herself with the

mischievous god Loki. Karnilla tell m lovc with the hemie warrior god Baldfr i i ie Br.avi .but he repeatedly spurned her advanccs. After fighting alongside her in the war against the demon Surtur however. Baldcr relented and the pair becamc lovers, to the consternation of others in Asgard.The pair have forged a dcep Iow and mutual respeet. with Baldcr commitdng himselt*to a lite in Nornheim. AD

FIRST APPEARANCE 'J.rv • Krn-up <103 *t3acom? • ' • H REAL NAME < an Coy Mann OCCUPATION Achronturer BASE Moo.!#

HEIGHT 5 ft 4 in WEIGHT 90 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Has the ab.i.tv :o osiomcalły possess other peopSo, controlling the* actions and tu-rwg them mto yirtual puppets.

Xi’an and her twin brothcrTran had the ability to possess the minds of others.Tran worked for the criminal organization of their uncle, General Coy, and Coy tried to force Xi'an to do the same by abducting their younger siblmgs Leong and Nga. With the aid of Spidf.r-Man and the Fantasik Four. Xi an rescucd the children. but had to absorb Tran s psyche into her own. She attended Protessor Xaviers School for Gifted Youngsters, and becamc the firsc member ot* the Ni-.w Mi i an i s. but has sińce left. TB


FIRST APPEARANCE Uncanny X-Man vd 1 #10 Warr.b 1%$) REAL NAME Lord Kevin Ptunder OCCUPATION Hunter trappe*. Jfd 0< tne Savage Land BASE The Savage Land

HEIGHT 6 tt 2 in WEIGHT 215 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Blond SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES ; xpert phys»ca comtatant. hunter and forager

Son ofBritish nobleman Lord Robert Plundcr (the discoverer of Antarctic vibranium), Ka-Zar grew up in the Antarctic *‘Savage Land” following the murder of his father at the hands of Man-Ai*ls. Raised by the intclligent

sabertoothed tiger Zabu. Ka-Zar leamed to survive against dinosaurs and Man-Apes. His enemies have included his brother Parnival, also known as the Plunderer, and the Savagc Land Mutates.


ewntually married Shanna thi Siie-Df.vil, and the two are currently raising a son, Matthcw. DW riRST APPEARANCE "antast' »45-Dwcomber 1965)

REAL NAME J ue^ea .d OCCUPATION Pnesi/pnilosophcr BASE Attrtan. Blue Area. the Moon

HEIGHT 5 tt 7 in WEIGHT 150 Ibs EYES Bluo HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Supertiuman strength and obiMy to

control nis neartbeat and other autonomie body lunclions. Has the extrasensory ability to porcoive weakness m objects and poopie.

A member of the royal family of the Inhumans,

Karnak is the second son of the Inhuman priest Mander.

Mandcr and his wife Ażur had sent their first son.

Tri i on, into the Terrigen Mist which produced genetic mutations.They decidcd not to expose Karnak to the mist. instead sending him to his father s religious seminary in the Tower ofWisdom.Thcre, he trained in physical and mental disciplines. martial arts, and religious study umil the age of eighteen. Karnak was involved in the Kree-Skrull Wars. and aidcd 1)arfj)HVil in his attempt to find Karnak s cousin Bi u k Bolts son. mt

Kelly, Senator

FIRST APPEARANCE <-M«n 4135 Soptember 1980)

REALNAME Senator Robert Kelly OCCUPATION Politioan BASE Washington O.C.

HEIGHT 5 ft 10 in WEIGHT 175 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Brown (graymg temp es)

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Chansmatic mdnndual with rabble-rousing ou&llc speaklng slufls.

As senator for Massachusetts. Robert Kelly proposed strong anti-nnitant legislation. Rcpeated assassination attempts and bis wife \ dcath hardened his stanco until. while standing for president on an anti-mutant platform, he was saved from another attempt on his lifc by the saarificc of Pyro. Kelly then changcd his stance dramatically. only to be killed by a non-mutant who accused him ofbetraying humanity. ad


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