I remcmber at one linie a forest keepcr found myself and my brothcr in ono of thesc trees, but we climbcd to such a height be dared not follow, and, aftcr waiting patiently, in disgust walked away, but not bcfore his vigil had tired hitu so that ho dozed againsl the tree, to be suddenly awakened by an apple dropped upon bis unsuspecting liead by mischievous Hermann, his subscquent antics being (to us) most amusing,
Regarding diet, at lliis time i ale daily of whole meal bread. had plenty of eggs and milk. beef and bacon, and also, as I grew older, indulged in moderation in our national drink—lager beer. So you will see that, fortunately gifted with a splendid constitu-tion and possibilities of a good physiąue (which by bard work 1 deve!oped to the utmost), with plenty of fresh air, good food, rest and freedom from care, I have had every chance of reaching my ambition.
At the age of 16 a frieml 'ook me to the Athletic Club at Leipzig, where I commenced to practicc with 56-pound weights.
At the age of 17 my weigllt was 189 pounds: at the age of 18 I included wrestling with my weight-lifting practice. At first. although cnormously strong. my strength was of little avail, and a good wrestler would be surę to throw me. but later, when 1 understood the science of wrestling, I became ineulnerablc to the attacks of the best wrestlers that could be found to compete with me; and atter this datę I was nevcr defeated, either in wrestling or weight-lifting. I took first prize at Leipzig, Werdau and Chem-nitz for weight-lifting, and my gold medals are now shown to visitors at the Club I practiced at in Leipzig, where. 1 am pleased to think, my namc is held in esteem, and the members are always pleased to see me, as I have, in my traiels, successfully upheld the honor of my old Club. I also entered a heavy-weight wrestling