15380 TME6

15380 TME6


tmc* md ft*cx**V    KjtlrwppcO

th* Thmg aritl fi roornkj ot party gu*"*T. <nri torrnontod vntnv on rnmoł« Muiłor md

f Arcanna


r/ Arkon

FIRST APPEARANCE (,*«*f.ci*rs *11? (<> 'oł** 196?)

RCAL NAME Arcanna JonM

OCCUPATION A.łv*rłjr*r BASE Squ»dror C#y

HfKJHT ‘i ft 8 m WEK5HT 115 Ib* EYES Buc HA IR BSond*

SPECIAt POWrRS. ABILITltS Arranoa pou*«M* ext*nuv*

magie*! pow•*», **p*c«a»y ov*r natur*' łorc*». mtcJh aa wmd and

wal#, obie to >*vrt8t« and rtd* the wmd, aometimM on a połę

FIRST APPEARANCE -.rftnger* *75 tAprr 1971 REAL NAME Arfcon (“Tha Magndicenn

OCCUPATION P>*' '.iper BASE Th* pian* Połe-r,* .« HEICHT 6 ft WEICHT 400 *»* EYES Brown HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Superhumar Mrength speed agwty. and itamra. ałun and itkmcMm ar* mor* dam* than that ot human* r*cov*r« (rom mjury ai a much faster rato than human*

An cnginecring genius and a uthless hitnun. Arcade tamę l>\ his fortunę after allcgedh murdcring his bilhonairc father.

Hc is obsessed with traps and games. and e\ecutcs his vic tims in secrct, amuscmcm-park \ivlc comp!exes hc ticsigm Inmseitand dnhs ‘'Murdcrworlds." 1 U* clurges $I million per liii, but the moncy barely covcrs Ins cxpenscs; he kills tor sheer

cnjoyment.    *

Arcade is assistcd by

two henchmcn. Miss Locke and Mr. ( hambers. 1 lis victiins iiicludc business tycoons and Super Hcrocs such as the X Mi n. Siiih r-M sn, and Caimain Bkiiun, whom he kuliups and then relcascs imidc Murdcrworld. I le studics eictims* wcaknesscs. t hooses an appropriaie killing method, and then looks on gJccfułly as thcy tight for their livcs agamst his kilimy machnie*. which are often modeled on arcade games. Super Vil3ains pay to use Murderworld as a traimng ground. or pun hase An adc s rolnits. which are virtual!y lndistmguishablc łrom rcal pcopłc. DW


FIRST APPEARANCE apta Am*.*a Ntol 1 *308 |Ai>* nł 1965. RCAL NAME AMonto Rodngue*

OCCUPATION Prołw. naI wrwrttor BASE Mob*>

HEICHT 7«6« WEIGHT 540KM EYES Brown HAIR Non* SPECIAt POWCRS/ABILITIES Body rasambłes that ot a g^anttc humanod armacMo. wah aharp c(*w* and armor pł*u»g. poaaaaaaa &uperhuman strangth and durabtty

A fornier medium who spent ye.irs dewloping her nacural alTinity tor magie. Arranna was cneouraged to use her mystic power* iii the sereicc of mankmd by her husbaml Au anna joincd the ranks ot'the SgUADRON Situ kml, the fbrcmost costunied champions of her Home reality, and bccamc one ot* its stauiu hest members ceentually using her magie powers to hollow tHit the cnormous erater in which they built their upgradcd headquartcrs. Squadron City. TB

[Oy Archangel SEE


Arkon is a gre.it leader and warrior on the planet Polem.u hus. T he culture ot Polcmachus glonties war and Arkon betaine his worlds gieatest warnor As Imperion ot the largest country on Polonus hus.

Arkon attempted to eonquer the ot her nations ot his world But when Polemaduis was taced with planet wide anmlulation.

Arkon tanie to b.arth believing that its destriu tion could save his homcworld. (

Iiarth. Iron Man teamed with TikiR in a plan whit li saved Polemachus aml stopped Arkons aggression. MT

W hen his wite hetame mortaUy ill.Antonio Rodriguez turned to l)r. Karl M.ilus. who promised to try to cure her if Antonio worked tor lum and submitted to his experiments. Malus combineti genes Irom an armadillo w ith Rodriguezs genes. transtorming lum into a super-powerful l>cmg rcsembhng a humanoid armadillo. Maltis assigned the Armadillo to lmatłc the West (’oast Asengers Compound. 1 hem ( apt.nn America detś-atetl the Armadillo but realized he was not a crunin.il at heart. 1'hough the Armathllo bas somctimcs run foul t»t* the law. he preters tt> earu his liYing m WTCstling matches agamst super-stu»ng opponents PS



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