Manipulates magneto forces.
Vanes her moiecular cłensity TOAD
Tongue stretches 25 ft; leaps great heights; super-stroog. OUICKSlLVER Supertiuman speed.
SCARLET WITCH Chaos magician.
lmmovab!e; impervious to injury. UNUS
Impenetrable force-fiekd. LORELEI
Hypefsonie, paralysing scream.
1 TheToad 2Mastermrfo 3Magneto { 4 Qui(;ksrtvf* 5 Ttie Scarlet Witch
Founded by Magneto, the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants has remained, through its various incarnations, the opposite number of the X-Mr.N; while the X-mcn’s ntission has always bcen to promote tolerancc and co-existence between mutants and normal humans, the Brotherhood’s goal has been nothing less than total domination over mankind, and quite possibly the eradication of normal humans entircly.
Originally, Magneto formed the Brotherhood as a strike force, helping him to oppose Proi kssor Xs X-Men, who had foiled his takeover of the Cape Citadel rocket base.This initial assemblage included the high-leaping Toad. Mastcrinind, crcator ofpcrfcct illusions, the super-swift QuiCKsn.VhR,and his sister. the hcx-casting Scarlet Wijci i.Tinie and again they struck against their X-Mcn focs and against humanity, ncvcr scoring a true victory. And evcntually, with the dcfcat of Magneto, this incarnation of the Brotherhood was no morę—and the misguided Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch went on to
• X-Men #4
T)te newty-forrned Brotherhood has its frsl dash willi tlie X-Men.
• Uncanny X-Men u 141-142
Mystlquc's Brotherhood attempts to assassinate Senatom Robert Keły and |xuvunt bw |*«ssi»y of Ihe Mutant I tog-slralion Act.
• The Brotherhood U1
X's agents are assemWed for covert terronst rr*ssions agansl Iwmerkjnd
Uncanny X-Mon #4 (March 1964)
ALLIES Magneto
FOES ProtossorX,TheX Men. New Mutanta. X Factor, X f-'orce,
become members of the Avengers.
Sonic years later. the mysterious. shape-shifting mutant terrorist Myvi ique formed a ncw Brotherhood of Evil Mutants under her command.This grouping was comprised of the immovable Bi ob, the earth-shaking Avai.anc.iie, the Hame-wielding Pyro, and the future-predicting DESTiNY.This incarnation of the Brotherhood eventually transformed into Freeihim Force when it was offered amnesty by the US Government in exchangc for becoming government operatives. But Freedotn Force was at its heart corrupt. and after assorted clashes with the X-Men and other hero groups such as the Avengcrs. the program was quietly disbanded.
Bad Brothers
Since tlien.a number of other individuals have attempted to form their own permutations of the team.The Toad created his own Brotherhood in an attempt to destroy the mutant soldier from the futurę known as Gamie. I Iavok of the X-Men assembled a Brotlierliood of his own as a combat unit against humanity at a point when his faith in Professor Xs drcam was at a Iow. And the mysterious mutant opcrative known oniy as X created a many-celled version of the Brotherhood in his ongoing terror campaign against the human race. It rcmains to be scen what form this evcr-changing assembly will take in the futurę. TB
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