HEK3HT 6 ft 2 in WEK3HT 240 lb«
HAlFt Whlto: transformad to błortd by Eon. a cosmic caretaker
('jpt.iin Mir -Vell was a member of the Kree. an alion humannid raco w ho built an empire kilowi) as tlie Greater Magellanie Cloud. Captain Mar-Vell was a"Wlnte Kree,"who have the same skin color as Caueasian liarth Immans and simil.tr physiology. (Most members ofthe Kree race have blue skin.: As captain ot a Kree space Heet. Mar-Vell distmgimhcd hnnselt in battles against the shapo-changing Skrulls, the Krees'at»e-okl foes.
ESSEN Tl AL. STORYLINES •The Ufo of Captatn Mar-VcH 1991 (tpb) '■
Avongers *89-*97
• The Dtrjth of Captain Mar Vełl (tpb)
Thark* to Itw Kree moga-banch.* M.« vf* pC^vH«*od Vłrong(t. thicoiidMl toton* afłgh dogra* ot «nparv»0ijsn©wt lo hanri ona Wt* at*ty to ły Ho
\/jr-l eli imprrionatrJ J J(.tJ UUMIIH njmrJ Dr. llaiitr law i on irhm kr fint ćJinr to Earth
( ipuin .M.ti Yel!\ qa.iht.es did
not go unrenurked by the
Sa L.M! Kin I NVI. the V
sciennlk abilidcs the
souhrujuct “Captain Marvcl.”
The Supremę Intelhgence then uscd Mar-Vell to torge a telcpatłm link with a huiuan being. The Intelhgeme behesed that hum.ins powessed sast psionic potential, which it longed to possess.
It would then destrtA’ humamtyThe Intclligcnce sccrctly cnabłed Mar-Vell to bond with Rh k Jomn by mcans ot’a pair ot' Kree “nega-bands. ”
The Intelhgence uscd the psionic link with Jones to nullify the Skrull spać c flect. Ihe cflfort alnu>st co* Jones his lite. and Mar-Vell uscd his own lite forte to brtng back Jones froni the bunk ot dcath. \lar-Vell then defcated the dcath-worshipping would-hc conqueror Th\nos w ho wished to dotroy all lite m the uimersc. Around this timc. Mar-Vell also met with the mysterious, ancien t alicn being Eon. w ho jęjve him “cosmic awareness," persuaded him ro renouin e the Kree s wamiongering \vay\. and designated liini “Protector ot the Uniycrse"
Death of a Hero
l>unng a battle with the Nu i« > ot the Lunatu Legion, an aHen-cnminaJ orgam/atioti tormed In- a band ot’ renegade Kree scicntisfc, Mar-VeD was exposed to a tanmogciuc gas. \lar-Vell subsequently dcvek>ped cancer and died on Saturn s moon, I it.ui, stirrounded by lus Uner. I lysuis, Kk k Jones, the A\ rv j us (who posthumiHisly nudę Inni .ui hotury niember). and many Super I Iero triends. Mar-Yells son, CIcni«-Vell. ewntually u»ok over his maiitle MT