68849 TME2

68849 TME2

Champions of Xandar

FIRST APPEARANCE fantMfre Four #206 Juty 1979

BASE Th* płeneł Xwxłer; Nova-Pnm# starafrp


Nova Pnme Fk^hł. juperhoman strongth. mvuln*f»b*ty.

Protectoc PwoncabiiCy

Powf*rhou*» S<phont «n#rgy from ary pcw*r fourco, >ndud#>g Jrwng be*ogs Comet f «gK: <an projact •toctrK * energy Crimebuster No •uperbufnan powars

FIRST APPEARANCE i y.red*)* Huik #347 (September 1968; REAL NAME Merlo Chandter Jones OCCUPATION Forrw

*ctr**s, eerobtc* metructor U/K show hast, cormc shop co-ownr BASE Lot Ang»M CeMorme HEIGHT Ov*r 6 fl WEKłHT Untaowr EYES Green HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABH.ITIES ■ las tha slrength of a nom* women who *<c««oa«a ragularS


1 Cc-ivi1 2 KY.aPnrr. 3 P ; ....... ,s<

4    5    •


The Champions ot" Xandar was a team of superhumanoid beings who formed to protett the planet Xandar. Xandar sutFercd three huge alicn mvasion*. In the tirst. the Luphoms shattered Xandar into piece*. Sun ivors on the tour lar gest fragment* connectcd the four planetoids with huge bridges and rebuilt their eiv llization The sccond invasion was by the shape- shifting Skruiis, who hoped to bring Xandar into their empire. Having kept an activc militia, Nova Corps. smee the tirst inrasion, the Xandariam resisted.Thcy wcrc aided by the Fantastic Folr, and then by a group of Xandanans and Earth heroes, who banded together as the Champions of Xandar. Together. Nova Corps and the Champion* repelled the Skrull imasion. though Crimebuster was killed.The third imrasion.by Ni iii i a. wiped out the entire population. nuiuding the remaining Champion*, mt


A chrome gam Wer and imreterate risk-ukcr, Nicholas Powell took the mmc Chance and sought work as a mercenary to satisfy his craving for thrills. Chain e * standard modus operandi ls to wager his fee at double-or-nothing odds against In* success—if he fails, he tcceives nothing. Chancess assignment* have brought him into conflict with numerous Super I leroe*. including Spider-Man and Dareih vii. Chance is thoroughly immoral—but he prides hiinsdf on hi* abihty to beat the odds. TB


Marlo Chandler wa* the Hltk\ girlfriend w hen he was*łJoe Fixit." an cntbrcer for organized crime.

Later, she became the girlfriend of the Hulks friend RickJoNES.A madw oman. Jacquehne Shorr, who claimed to be Rick s mother, murdered Marlo, but she wa* resurrected by the I.fmjir. Marlo and Rick married and had their ownTV talk show, Keeping Up With the Jonesa. The couple separated for a wbile and Marlo had a fling with Mih>ndra<R)N before retuming to Rick. PS





Reformed cnmmal; ooe-tim# leader of the X-Men BASE MoWe


A one tnne mcinber of the terronst orgamzation Factor Three, the Changeling elunged side* when he Icarncd that its leader, the alicn Mutant Master, was sceking to cradicate lumuniry When the ('hangelingdiscovercd that be had contracted a terminal illnc**, he dccided to make amends for hi* past misdeeds. He approaehed Proeessor X and \ohmteercd to support the X-Mcn.The timing was fortuitous- Xavicr needed to w ithdraw from active duty to fend ołfan impending alicn invasion.The Changeling agreed to unpersorute the Protessor during his absence. Howeeer. hi* le.ulerslnp *>f tlie X-.Men was cut short wiien he was killed during a skirmish with the msanc

IhnueC.or I*ik AD

HEIGHT li ft 11 ic

WEKSHT 180 Ibs

EYES Brown HAIR Black

FIRST APPEARANCE .V*b o« Sprt^-Man #15 <Jun* 1900 REAL NAME Ncboits Powel

OCCUPATION l.larcar^y    BASE Naw Vtyk Oy

HEIGHT <5 tt WEK3HT 185 R» EYES Bk» HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Ouncii armored coetiłn* coota^s wntf-blactart, bOOt-fets for faght. and monad othar weapons and parapłiemaka

A metamorph the Changolng wm abte to adopl the appoorance and voce oi othar humanada, kmtad MatanaOcaMty


tł^nodowir ancwkMfby tałong Piotoeeor X*pUce. atthe Wtter* r&guNt



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