83312 TME06

83312 TME06

Time Keepers, The

FIRST APPEARANCE Thor Vol. 1 #282 (Apfil 1979)

BASE Citaóeł at the End ot Time MEMBERS AND POWERS

Ast. Vort, Zanth Ali Time Koopors possess nearty unhmited powers of time-manipulatlon. includmg time travel and the aWrty to rapktty age or devoNe people and ihings.

The Time Keepers are guardians of the timestream. crcated by He Who Rcmains (the finał chairman of the Time'Variancc Authority) at the end of time to replace his Hawed agents, the limę Twistcrs.Thc Time Keepers sought to preserve their cxistcnce at all costs, which led them to cnlist Immortus to destroy the meddling Avengfks and powerful “ne\us beings" such as the Scarlct Witcli. Kang. with help from Rick Jones, seemingly wiped out the Time Keepers after they attempted to eliminatc a liost of alternate realities. OW


FIRST APPEARANCE Amaong Spider Man Vol. 1 #2 (May 1963) REAL NAME PNnoas Mason

OCCUPATION Criminai >nventor BASE New Ybrk City MEIGHT 5 fi 8 «i WEIGHT 175 Os EYES Gray HAIR WTwte SPECIAL POWERS/ABILIIIES Gemus-level aOility to creale sophisticalod gadgets and deadly weopons from merytiay pieces of macłwwy or scrap metal

Phineas Mason, the ‘‘Terrible Tinkerer." is unparalleled in his ability to cicatc and repair mach mery. and long ago becamc the premiere gadget-maker for the criminai underworld. Among the Tinkerer s works are DlAMONDBAt k’s throwing diamonds and the Scorpions taił.

I heTinkerers son. Rick Mason, became known as the Agent during his work for SHIELD. but died at the liands of criminals releascd from prison by Judgc Hart. Purious with I lart. the Tinkerer shot and killed him. but later used his resources to restore Hart to lite. DW





(I) Davida DeVito (II) Mary

Davida l)eVito. alias Titania. was the leader of the original

‘Skeeter’ MacPherran

Grapplers. a team of female professional wrestlers. Titania and her teammates were hi red by the Roxxon Gil company to sabotage the gowrnments Project: Pegasus.Thcy were defeated and senc to prison. After her release.Titania s strength was enhanced to superhuman levels by the Power Bromu. Shc conrinued to lead an expanded Grapplers team. However,Tunnia was assassinated by a ncw Grappler cal led Gole>diggi.r, who appears to havc been working with the vigilante Sgourgi-.

Mary "Skeeter" MacPherran lived in a Denver suburb that was transported by


(I)    Professional wrestler, criminai

(II)    Criminai BASE

(I) Mobile, later Los Angeles 01) Formerty a suburb of Denver. Colorado, later New York City HEIOHT (l) 6 ft 1 in (II) 6 H 6 In WEIOHT (1) 194 IbS 00 545 Ibs EYES (I) Blue (II) Blue HAIR (I) Black (II) Red-bk>nde FIRST APPEARANCE (I) Manrel Two-in-One *54 (August 1979) 00 Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars *3 (Juty 1984)


Doctor Docxn tumed Skeeler MacPherran, second Titania,

(i) Possessed superhuman strongth-able lo lift about 2 lons: sklled wrostlcr and hand-lo-łwxl combatanl.

(II) Possosses supertiuman streogth-ablo to lift abcut 90 tom; supefhuman stamina and durabiłity. ftosslant to haat. ookł. infiry, and disoasc.

the Beyonder to his ‘‘Battleworld.” Thcre Doctor D(X>m gave her super-strength to serve in his army of criminals during the first "Secret War.”

Tliis new Titania and her teammatc."Crusher" Creel. the Aiisorbinc. Man, grew attractcd to one another. After returning to Earth. Titania sometimes operated on her own and had a personal feud with the SllE-HuLK.Titania also served as a member of the Masteks of Eml and the Frightfui Four.

Titania and the Absorbmg Man we a* married. Creel stayed with Titania when she contractcd c.mcer. After her cure.Titania and Creel seemed to reform.They later separated.

The Super Horo Tit/irw fwtes most is Sf wł-Hulk. She-Hiik and the Ayengers ovon nvaded Tiume^ weddng to ftght



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