Divorced and with sole


Thor #391 (father)

Thor #392 (son)

Thor #432 (father as Thunderstńke) What It # 105 (son as IhutKterstrtke)

The orlgjral Thinderetrike (S ono 0( many Avongers who dod n tho ino of duty.

Like fvs la»her. Kewłn Masterson can pfiystcałty transtorm into TłujfKlorstfiko through tntense concentration

custody of his young son.

Erie Masterson was an

architect who was working at a building site whcrc Thor. under a sec ret identity, was also employed.

Thor was att.icked by the Mongoose. and during the battlc Erie was injured by falling girders. He was left with a permanent liOip.After bccoming friends withThor. Erie was wounded again. this time morcally, and Odin merged him with the thunder god to save his life.Thcreafter. Masterson would assumc the form ofThor whenever the horo was needed on Earth. When Tltor seemingly siew hts brother Loki and was banished from this piane of rcality, F.rie took his place as Thor II- Eventually the real Thor returncd, and Erie was given his own enchanted mace and bccamc

Thunderstrike.Thunderstrikc eventually sacrificed hiniself to save Thor. In one possiblc futurę. Erie Masterson s son, Kevin, decides to attend art school in New York City. When hc visits Avengers Mansion. he is givcn his father s enchanted mace and eventually merges with it.Taking on his father s name, Kevin joins the Avi ngers of his timeline. TO

Erie Masterson (father). Karin Masterson (son) OCCUPATION Architect (father). college student (son) BASE New York City

HEIGHT 6 ft 6 in (father), 6 ft (son)

WEIGHT 640 Ibs (father). 585 Ibs (son)


(Father) Super-strong. owns onchanled uru mace that projects concussK-o blasts of mysbcai energy. FBes by throwing mace and ] grippng rts strap. (Son) Super-strong; projects concussiyo bJasts o< mystkal energy. whk*i can be usod to propot hm through the air


Tiger Shark


FIRST APPEARANCE Fantastic Four Vol. 1 #129 (Docember 1972) REAL NAME Thundra OCCUPATION Wamor

BASE United Sisterhood Republic of North America HEIGHT 7ft 2in WEIGHT 350 IbS EYES Groon HAIR Red SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Enhanced strength. endurance.

reflexes. and damage resistance; skilled at wieWmg a Chain

In an alternate futurę timeline. the 23rd century is led by a matriarehy where men are raised as servants or breeding stock.Thundra. bom into the United Sisterhood Republic of North America, bccamc one of its finest warriors.

When men from a branching timeline invadcd hor own, Thundra journeycd to the modern era where she befriended theTHiNc. Whilc in the modern era, she worked for a time as an operative of Roxxon Oil. where slie led a team in infiltrating government energy research facility Project Pegasus. She later returned to rule the variant futurę timeline of Pemizonia.Thundra is now the consort of her onetime enemy Arkom of Polemachus, and rcccndy lost her right cyc during an rcbellion. DW

FIRST APPEARANCE Sub-Mariner #5 (September 1968)

REAL NAME Todd Arliss

OCCUPATION Amphibious criminal BASE The deep Wue sea HEIGHT 6 ft 1 in WEIGHT 450 Ibs EYES Gray HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Amphib*ous-abte to withstand great water pressure and swim at up to 60mph; a&o possesses supechuman strength.

His genes spliced with those of Namor the Sub-Mariner and a tiger shark,Todd Arliss, former 01ympic-level swimmer, bccamc a superpowered amphibian. Namor was angered by Ins forced involvcment in the proccss. and hc and Tiger Shark bccamc

vengeful foes. When Tiger Shark s powers began to fule, he kidnapped Namor s father. Leonard MacKenzic, and blackmailed Namor into donating morę powers. Chaos cnsucd during the transfer proccss and Tiger Shark endcd up killing MacKenzic with a lead pipę. He remains at large. morę deadly than cver—it seems his fatc is bound up with Namor s. AD

FIRST APPEARANCE The Cat 01 (Nowanber 1972)

REAL NAME Greer Grant Nełson

OCCUPATION Adventurer BASE New York City

HEIGHT 5ft 10m WEIGHT 180 tos EYES Green

HAIR (human form) black. (cat form) orange fur with black strtpes

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Enhanced strength. slashmg claws.

and heightened senses of smell. hearing. and vision.

Clreer Nelson rcccivcd catlike powers from Dr.

Joannę Tumulo. a member of the mystical race known as the Cat Pi-iopLE.Taking on the identity of the Cat, Nelson began a carccr as a costumed

adventurer in San Francisco.

When Nelson suffered near-fatal injuries during a clash with HYDRA, the Cat Peoplc saved her lite, imbuing her body with a cat-soul. She becamc her their legendary champion. Tigra, and provcd her worth as a member of the West Coast Avfnc; whilc struggling to kccp her feline instincts in check. In her identity as Greer Nelson, she has reccntly bccome a New York City police officer. DW



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