Big Hero 6
Big Man
FIRST APPEARANCE S unfire And 0*g Karo 6 *1 (S«p«. 1996>
SunhT* Project* heat and fleme and can fły
Sihrer Samurai Projects energy through h»* swofd
Go-go Tomago* mto an *xpkM«va bax of eoergy.
Honey L«mon Obtans ałmoet ary object from her “Power Purse* Hiro Takachłho *3-year-okJ acianbfic ganw*
FIRST APPEARANCE Amazmg Sp*d«r-Man *10 iMarch 1964) REALNAME Fredenck Foswe* OCCUPATION Repom*, cnmmo: BASE New York City HEIGHT 5 ft 10 m. (Big Man) 6 fM m WEIGHT 185 fc* EYES Blu# HAIR Gray SPECIAL POWER&iABRJTlES Etofcant cnmmai miód, maater of cMgmae and crack ahot Padded costume to appear mor* robust and tatar wore rnaak and uaed a ćo-. kg that deepened vo*ce
i rcated to lx' rhe gwardian of the Avian race at a time whcn thcy were forccd to go mto hibernation m order to survivc. the android Bi-Beast patroMed their now siłent Sky Isiand, maintaining its security and keeping it from harm. But
aftcr years of loneliness. the twin persona of the Bi-Beast went mad, and thcy attempted to kidnap Betty Ross (sec Banner, Bm iy), who had been transfonned into a winged, gamma-powered monster calłed the Harpy. But the Hl tk pursucd the Bili east. and aftcr a savage battle, Bruce Banncr used the scientiflc apparatus found in Sky Isiand to cure Betty s eondition, much to the displeasure of the Bi-Beast.
Thereafter. the Bi-Bcast contmued its loncie vigjl, attacking any and all who tamę within rcach. F.ventuaHy, howeser, the Avuns were revived, and st» the savage Bi-Beast is no longeralone TB
Guardian of the Avtan race
Sky Isiand of the Avtan race
HEIGHT 7 ft 8 łn (variabto) WEIGHT 360 Ibs (variable)
tncnóible Hufk i 169
(Novemtoor 1973)
B-BweaCs artrtcisi mineto contam acctinulatecJ krowtodge ol the Av«n raca-the top hoad specuiuM n knowtocHje reisted lo wartare and comu*, tho Kwor heed w ihe repowtory of nłormetion pertalring to hfliłory andcuKure
2 Rłyn ^ SHońeyLnmori
4 Gc Go Tomano I
5 S4ver Sarnurw
3 ScrAre
Diiily liujtfe reporter Foswell tried to orgam/e NcwYorks g.mgs under his leaderslnp as the Big Man. employing the Enforcers as his hcnchnien. Aftcr clashing wkh Spipfr-Man. the police learned the Big Mans identicy and arrested Foswell. He served his orne in prison and, thanks to the generosity of puHisher J. Jonah J ameson. returncd to the Bugk. Foswell adopted the identity ofFatch to spv on the umierworld and aided in the capcure of the Crimc-Master. Foswell later returncd to crime and worked for the Kingpin He sacrificed himsclf to save liis former employerj. Jonah Jameson. td
Baymax “Synthfofmar' robot that can change mto a dragon.
Big Hem fi is japjn s official team of supcduiman agents. rhe Japanese govcrnment tirst formed the Gin, a group ofofficials and businessmen, to find and tram superhuman recruits and to ovcrsee tlieir activitics.The initial lincup of Big Hero 6 inchidcd Sunfire, fbrmerly of the X-Men; and \Volverines old adversary the SuvfcR Samurai.
Sunfirf and the SiKer Samurai were replaeed by Sunfnes sister Sunpyre, who possesses similar powers. and the mysterious Ebon Samurai. PS
FIRST APPEARANCE New Mutanta *56 (October 1907) REALNAME Bed-Bram OCCUPATION Nonę
BASE Paradice. an nland m the North Atlantic HEIGHT 6 ft WEIGHT 12$ RM EYES Red HAIR Var.-cc4ored feathers SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Wmgs enabie ftgbt; <ni*e body ia hoNow-bonad. Mta a bird's abie to breathe at h»gb artitudea: eyes are spectaRy adapted to wrthafand t*gh wmda durmg faght
Bird-Brain is a half-human. half-animal creature known as an Ani-Matc. He was creatcd through genede engineering by L>r. Frederick Ammus. the Ani-Maior. Although Bird-Brain and his tellów Ani-Mates possessed human-levcl mtelligencc, the Am-Mator treated them like slav'es.
After being subjected to a number of cruel tests, Bird-Brain used his wings to fly away from the Ani-Mators Paradisc Isiand. He was placcd in quarantine by the US authonties in preparation for being sent to a research laboratory for further testing. when he escaped. Bird-Brain was then reeruited by the Nlw Ml fants, who returncd with him to Paradise Isiand in order to help frcc his fellow Ani-Mates from the Am-Mutors cruel thrall. MT