Dire Wraiths


v Doctor Bong

7 Doctor Demonicus

FIRST APPEARANCE Rom fi ;0*c#mb*r 1979)

BASE F armady Wrathworid m ttw Dark Mętni*

HEIGHT 5 ft 5 m (averago. WEIGHT ).vevo»od EYES Nopupi* HAIR inappfccabi*

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Sh*p«nrf1«r* who mmc o«h*r hvrtg bemgs. F*m*le Wraiths kil th#r vłct*ns and gam ther mamon#*, thay atoo baw* pows o! sortery

FIRST APPEARANCE Howard tbe Oock «15 lAugu*l 1977)

REAL NAJMIE Lester Varda OCCUPATION CieneMC angmaar BASE An istand m tfie Atlantic Ocean HEIGHT 8ft8m WEIGHT 225 Km EYES Boa HAIR ReócWi-brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Whao struck by the larga metal bal r* wear* on hta band. Doctor Bong s halmat can produca eonie waves lor a vanaty ot aflacts.

FIRST APPEARANCE >(Xlz*« M (December 1977)

REAL NAME Douglas B'<*>

OCCUPATION Ganat>ost: cnmmal BASE Pacific Ocaan HEIGHT 5 łtllm WEIGHT 170 to* EYES Gray HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES A bnfcart ganafioet whc usad a

r»c*oactiv* mataor ło arfiAcialy mutata arwnats turmng tham Mo moos*ar» to do tu* tfcddng "O euperpower*.



£ Dr Leonard Samson < OCCUPATION

(i) PsycNatrrst

The Dire Wraiths are olTshoots ofthc Skruils who scttled on a planet called Wraithworld. MaleWraiths are whitc-skinncd. \aguely hunianoid crcatures. Fornale Wraiths have heavier, red bodies, tcntaoles and elawed tect. ('enturitft .igo. the Wraiths attacked the planet Galador. hut were defeated by Galadonan cyborg* called the Spaeekmghis, including Rom. Rom battlcd Wraiths on Larth and u sod his ncutralizcr to cast Wraithworld into the otherdnnenMonal realni called Lhnho. As a rcsult. the Wraiths lost tlieir powers. and Rom cxiled thetn into Limbo as well. PS

I las mg adopted the

aphorism "The pen is mightier than the sword*’ as his motto at an carly age. bullied Lester Verdc hegan to strike back at those w ho tormented him through his writmg. Infatuated with Bcvcrl\ Swi i /ifk, Lester reinwnted himsdfas Doctor lk>ng. a mclodramatic viUain whosc exploits were pułfed by self- penned press releascs Intent on forcitig Swit/ler to marry him. Bong was undonc by Bewrly s boyfriend.

Howard nti I)uck. 1 le has sińce gone on to be a thorn m the side ofthc Shf Hi ; k. TB

Cienetiust Douglas Biiely exposed himself to radiation hoping to acquire superpowers. Instcad. he endetł up . with skin cancer. hmhittered. he * acquired a radioactive meteor he called the Lifestonc. and perfected a proces* to mutate ammals into monster*. As Doctor )emomcus. he reeruited an artny of criminals and battlcd SHIELD 1 le was captured by the West Coast Avi sr.frs. MT


WEIGHT 390 Km EYES Biue HAmOrtta


menom* hu* 9ui

Doc Samson

A dcdicatcd psyihiatnst. Doi tor Leonard Samson was fascinated bs gamma radiation \ potentiai to help the mentally lll.When Betty Ross was transtbrmed into a crystalline creature. Samson uscd a specially levelopcd machinę to dram gamma radiation from the Hm K and sed it to k ure Betty. 1 ater he cxposed himselł to the renuming stored ra\s and gamed 1 lulk hke powers.

In the sears that tbllowed, Samson has doggcdly pursued Bruce B mncr. hoping to rid Brik*c of the Hulk. Samsons goosl intentions liase mit always been welcomcd and he and the Hulk have fought repcatedly. At times the pair have becn knossn to work together,łighting the I fadlr after his capture of Gamma Base, for cxample. Howwct. Samson has newr lost siglit of his pnmary goal. For the tnne being it looks hke the fates ot*

Kitli Samson and the Hulk are to rcmam lntcrrwined. ad



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