Taine, Sydney
FIRST APPEARANCE Alpba Fbght *5 (Docember 1983)
REAL NAME Elizabeth Twoyoungmen
HEIGHT 5 ft 10 in WEIGHT '5 )0s EYES Biue HAIR Black
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Has natural mystical abun.es and
FIRST APPEARANCE Nights>de #1 (December 2001) REALNAME Sydney Taine
OCCUPATION Police óetective BASE New York City HEIOHT/WEIGHT/EYES Unrovealed HAIR Black and gray SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Skilled in a vanety of martial arts. rtcludmg capoelra; adept in vanous l«ms of weapoos combat. r>0 known superpowers.
Sydney Taine is the only detectivc in the NYPD trusted by the Others, individuals that appear human but who are driven by sinister thirsts and passions. While iiwcsrigating the dcath of three crime bosses, Sydney, partnered by Ape Largo, uncovered a plot by the Others to obtnin the Three l.ostTreasurcs ofTao. Defeating tliem with cunning and lighting prowess, Sydney returned the stolen treasures to Suzuki Shosan, her fonner teacher. Sydney may be a member ofthe Players, a powerful alien race. A D
FIRST APPEARANCE Talos to Astooish *61 (Nov«mber 1964) REALNAME Glenn Talbot
OCCUPATION Major, lator Colonel in U.S. Air Force; boad Ol security, Desert Baso, lator adjutant to Gonoral T. E. Thunderbołt* Ross: later commandmg off»cer. Gamma Base BASE Oosert Base. Now Mexico: later Gamma Base. New Mexjco HEIGHT 6 ft 1 in WEIGHT 215 Ibs EYES Biue HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Normal human strength.
General Thaddcus E.*‘Thunderboltł’ Ross installed Major Glenn Talbot as security head of Desert Base, New Mexico, to imestigatc Dr. Bruce lian ner. Talbot became Banner s rival for che lo\e ol' Ross s daughter, łietty. He ewmually learned that Banner was che monstrous 1 Iulk.
For yearsTtlbot aidcd General Ross in attempts to capturc or kill the Hulk. Betty inarrtedTalbot, bur she later divorccd him, realizing she still loved Banner. Promoted to colonel.Talbot was finally killcd by an clectrical overload while atńeking the Hulk. PS
FIRST APPEARANCE Incred.We Hulk *436 (Docember 1995) REAL NAME William M. "Matt* Talbot OCCUPATION U S. Air Force Major BASE Mobile
Major William M."Matt’‘Talbot is the nephew of Colonel Glenn Talbot. Matt'talbot is turious at his uncle’s wifc Betty for dumping his urn ie in favor of the Hulk.
Matt went to Betty s house and appeared to reseue her from a berserk soldier. hut then he slapped her and called her names for hurting his uncle. Out of control. Talbot shot Betty in eacli leg.When the Hulk came to reseue Betty, he was hit by Talbot s plasma blasts. but it turned out that the gunTalbot used eontained sum pellets that soon won? off. Talbot eseaped h.wing cxacted sonie measure of revcnge for his uncles broken hcart. MT
can control magicai energy: when weanng the ‘ordet/ she can command spints and manipuiato myst*cal enwgies
The latest in a long linę of North American shamans. Elizabeth Twoyoungmen was transformeil into the long prophesied Talisinan when she place a “circlct of cnchantmcnt" on her forchead. She later went on to join Alpha Flic;ht.
For years. Elizabeth lud be en estranged from her father Michael Twoyoungmen, who was the Sn.AMAN.The circlct gradually corrupted Elizabeth and caused father and daughter to grow apart orn e morę. Finally. Michael was foreed to take the circlct as his own in order to defeat the mystical creature Pestilencc. Elizabeth has sińce regaincd her sense ofself. and her difFiculties willi her father have been rcsolwd. TB