Toward tho ond ot World War U. Cap and Bucky Bamos sof out to fot/ Baron Zemo's scheme to atoat a drone piano tadon with a bomb Aa the piano took o fi, Bucky and Cap loapod aboard. Cap foM mto tho sou. but Bucky clung on trytng to
• Captain America Vot. 5 41-14
\aiHjuishing such Nazi menaces as thc Red Sku t .Agent A.ms, and thc Iron Cross.The duo were ołten joined by their allics in thc Inyaders team, imludmg thc original HUMAN TORCi! and Namor, thc Sub-Mariner.
In 1945, Cap and Bucky wcrc on a nussion to apprchcnd the German scientist Baron Zfmq, w ho plamicd to steal an c\pcrimemal long-range Drone Piane developed by thc British.As the piane took otł* ( ap and Bucky madę a desperate leap to catch lt. Cap couldn t maintam his hołd. and plummcted earthward... seoonds latcr the piane selt destriu. ted, cndmg thc hłe of Bucky Barncs. ( ap s body plunged mto the icy waters bełow. w herc hc was trozen mto a stare ot* snspended aninution. a condition hc would icniain in lor decadcs to comc.
saleguard morale, thc AHied high kept the deaths of Cap and Bucky sci rot and rc*. ruited other heroes to play the role of Captain America. Meauwhile. the trtie Captain America slumbercd w ithin the k e.
The Return
Eventually. winie scarchmg tor their fbe Namor (thc same person w ho had tought alongsidc Ste\c Kogers in the Invaołrs), thc AvfcNt*Rs came across ( aptam America s body Hoating in the icy waters, and rxrvTved him. Now C aptain Arnem a was a man out ot' nmc. a soUher whose war was kmg o\ er. Attcmptmg to tind a place tor himsdfin this strange ncw sonety. Cap >. epted an offer oł Asengers menibcrship. and Mttly became thc bmdmg gluc tliat hcld the ■am together.
('ap also ołTered his semces to his old war buddy Nick Fury. now head of the worldwide peacckeepmg orgamzation SHIELD. It was while operatmg as a SHIELD agent that Cap tirst cncountcrcd Sharon Cariir.SIIIELDs Agent 13. w ho would becomc his paramour.
Today, hailcd as the most trusted costumcd champion of them all. Captain America lights on. strugglmg to uphoki freetkmi and democracy. both alonc and with the Ascngers. TB
■SSENTIAL STORYLINES Captain Amańca & The Falcon *153-156
th* Falcon muat carfc* *» r#pl*c*m*n and Bucky ot th* 1060*, ttiho h#w* ba*
by tha to*ad mnm that gna tham th*r abM« • Captain Amcnca Vo1. 4 #1-6