78654 TME5

78654 TME5

Lucas Brand was one ol tho very fow varnpires in the worid who was atoto to resrsl Wie mentał contro! of that lord ot vamp»es. Count Dracula.

Braddock, Jamie

FIRST APPEARANCE Captnm Britain Weekty #9 (Decomber 1976) REAL NAME James Braddock

OCCUPATION Ex-racang dnver. slave-trafi icker BASE London HEIGHT 6 ft 1 m WEIGHT 151 Ibs EYES Bluo HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Possesses the ab-hty lo warp roahty. which he perceive$ as madę of string; h© can thus twist obiects. soch as peopłes bodies. into grotesgue. agont/mg shapes

The brother of Captain Briiain and thc X-Man called Psyi.ck:kf. slcazy playboy Jamie Braddock was captured by the insanc criminal masterminił known as Doctor Crocodile.Torturcd by Crocodilo. Jamie s latem mutant ability to reshape reality around hiin manifested itsclf at the same moment that he lost his grip on sanity. Now, lic li as bccome one ot the most dangerous beings iii the univcrse—capablc of turning the world around him upside down. and thoroughly out of his mind. TB

Brand, Lucas

FIRST APPEARANCE Tomb ol Dracula *9 <June 1973)

REAL NAME Lucas Brand

OCCUPATION Gang leader: assassm BASE London HEIGHT 6 U 4 m WEIGHT 210 Ibs EYES Red HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Standard vampinc powers. ■ncluding superhuman strength and mvulnerabtlrty to most weapons. Strong willpower eoabłod him to resut Dracula's mental control.

Lucas Brand and the members of the British motorcycle gang he led came across a weakencd Dracula, beat him up and attempted to drown him. In retaliation, Dracula bit and killed Brand, who thereby bccamc a vampire himself. Later Brand was reeruited by Doctor Sun, a criminal mastermind who cxistcd as a bodiless, living brain. On Sun s bchalf, Brand OYcrcamc Dracula. but when Brand then turncd against Doctor Sun. Sun destroyed the would-be rebcl. PS


After years practicing as a psychologist in the US, Jericho Drumm rcturncd to liis native Haiti.There, his brother Daniel, the local houngan (voodoo priest) was dying following a battlc with a sorcerer possessed by the spirit of thc serpent-god Damhallah. Drumm studied thc voodoo arts and proved a powerful houngan, mado cvcn stronger when he merged with thc spirit of his dcad brother. As Brother Voodoo, he vaiK]uishcd Damballah and his cvil cult. MT



txtraterreslnal mercenanes

Fhc Brood .ire .i race of alien mse*. toids ilut Nprcad across the umuTM' like .i * nu er by mjecting,^ then eggN mto other iieing bemmil \' (he eggs h.iteh.thc pin Mcally eomumed tr.iustbrmed mto a niember of the Brood. I he Imectoids uso a race of senticm spaee whales calłed the Aeamii as Iwing starships. Native to thc Shi’ar Clalaxy, the Brood often aided Di aihhihj* in her attempts to overthrow her sister Lilandra Ncramani as the Siii’ar Mjr-mun.

The Bróod mfected the X-Mfn | and planted tlić egg of a Bloodcjueen into Propessor X,

but thc team was savcd by Woi.yt kink who was able to resist thc transformation process. AJthough tlieir homo planet Broodworld has bccn destroyed. many of the Brom! havc survivcd and have begun to rebuild their race. TD

Woh/erinefc hoałog lactor teł hm resst tf» Brood egg that was depoatod in lus body.






Uncanny x-Men ni55 (March 1982)

IndMduals fiossess six logs. transparent wmgs, ra/or-sharp leeth. armor-platcd scatos and long lais Ihat ara dMdod into two dcodly stingers. Tl te Brood aro Hx1remeły durablo. vory hard to dostroy, and wcious fightors. determinod that lhe«r mafignant race wił survrve.

Brother Voodoo

FIRST APPEARANCE Strange Tates 4169 (Soptombor 1973)

REAL NAME Jericho Drumm

OCCUPATION Houngan (voodoo prtest) BASE Port-au-Phnce. Hait. HEIGHT 6 ft WEIGHT 220 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABIUTIES Summonmg brother s sptnt from within own body doublos his strongth; can sond ihis spirit lorth to possoss other people; can create fire and smoke; hypnotic control over ammals

Iho okoń Brocxl ewmtuafy found the* way to Earth and njocted a team of mutants; howover Ihey whth detosted by the X-Mon.


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