One ol Sophie Kioi |ob was lo checlc
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Brainstorminq lor Heater and Beat er cars were members ol tho Her aid stali
Proo!readmq the galleys Irom Re-cjtonai Pubhshing was Kim Mos
Checking the n«w distnbution ltsts lor the second semestor were Km Wresticr and Sophie Kloussis
Linda Schwer consulted with łanu ary grad Sue Novak on the last story she submitted bełore graduation
Newspapor Stali, Third Period, Front: Bnan Anden-en Kim Mo;- łni, Ed Konny Second Row: Jenny Cień ame. Kim Beltz. Audrey Demma. Bryan Moore Third Row: Denni: Rag*1! Ma. Shełly Ward, Koron Retdel, Cathy Skovran. Domnique Marcelli. Tom Pop lar Back Row. Rick Lathus Tom Youpel. Ed KoehJer. Don Chisholm. and Scott Marshall.