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During the opcning days ofWorld War Il.before the United States had fornially entered the conflict, an elite figliting unit was banded together by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to halt Nazi aggression. The rirst great gathering of superhuman chanipions ever recorded—Captain America and Bucky Barnłs, Namor the Sub-Mariner. the Humań Torch and Toro Union Jack, Spitfirf, Miss America and the Wiiizzfr—this alliance. known fornially as the Itwadcrs, cut a swath through enemy lbrces until the Axis powers were defeated.
Akhough thcrĄ" dish.mded aft er the war, tor a tiinc combating crime on the homefront as the AU-Winners Squad, the Invadcr\ established a legend and a tradition that would inspire others co follow in their tootstcps <>vcr the ycars. Sonie ot" thosc heroes a&ociatcd with the Imudcrs jomed tbri es with Parisun resistancc tighters to turni the cosert V-Battalion, maintaming wurld order seeretly thniugh the decades.
The New Invaders
In the early years of this century, the demonie Rh> Skull infiłtrated the highest levels of gowrnment in the gutse of US Secretary of Defensc Dell Rusk I le procccdcd to organize a new ineamadon of the Invaders. malcvolcndy intending it to forably protcct US mterests worldwidc, and thus foment greater distrust among nations This new inoarnation ofthe Invadeis, reeraited In- the nght-wing US Agent (whose titlc as Captain America had bccn restored b\ Rusk), and led by the Nazi-huntmgThin Man.soon reahzcd the truth.
Instead of followtng Rusks agenda the new Invaders tumed their etlorts towards the dcstruction of Axis Mundi. a seeret cabal ot sinister superhumans organized in the waning days of World War II.
Super-slroog •okJMt
Immortat; imp«rviouB to (lam*. THIN MAN
Canctotaryj body and tataport by twtstmg dmanawna UNION JACK
Trainad ftghtor wbo apactakzaa m battłng monstars.
Android Me form that burete into
flame and can #y
The Inftttrator. a baWaahip capabia of intertfcnenaionai travei
QmX-Sia> Imadttrs 91 (Junt 1975)