These pint-sized Powerpuff Girls are the cutest crime-busting super heroes you'll ever see. Having saved the world, here they are having a playful pillow fight before bedtime.
20cm (8in) square cake (see p.11)
35cm (14in) round cake board
1.57kg (3lb 3oz) sugar-paslc (roftcd fondant)
Pdik. blue. green, goJden brown. black. yottow ar>d red food cołourtng pastos
Icmg (confectioner^s) sugar in a sugar shaker
720g (1lb 7oz) modelling pastę
220g (7oz) buttcrcrcam Sugar glue
FM) 5cm (2m) sugar sticks or lengths of raw, dned spaghetti
Large and smali rolling prns
SmaB kmfe Temptates (see p.93) Foamsheet
Smali brush for sugar glue
5cm (2in). 2Scm (lin). 2cm (V.in). 1.5cm (’/jin) and miniaturę circte cutters
Smali pieces of foam sponge to aid drymg
Vancus smali star cutters
1 Colour 500g (lib) of the sugarpaste (roiled fondant) pale pink. roi! it out and cover the cake board. Cołour 280g (9oz) of the modelling pastę pink Using the template (see p.93). roli out and cut the headboard and place 4 on the foam sheet to dry.
2Slice the top from the cake where the cake has nsen. then trim off the crust. Turn the cake upside down Cut a 4.5cm (1%in) slice from one side of the cake and cut two squares from Ihts stnp for the bedside tables Trim the corners from each of these in order to make them round.
To shape the bed. tnm the top and bonom edge from opposite sides and at the end onty, Split and fili the two bedside tabtes with bultercream, then spread a layer of buttereream over ail the cakes to help the sugarpaste stick.
Colour 625g (1 V4lb) of the sugarpaste pink Roli it out and cover the large cake. trimming the excess and smoothing round the shape Positicn the cake on the centre of the board.
Colour I70g (5Vśoz) of the sugarpaste purpie usmg pink with a tooch of blue food colounng pastę. Roli out 75g (2V4oz) and cut a stnp the depth of a bedside labie. Positicn one of the tables onto this strip and cover «t. trimming any excess before smoothing the jo»n with your
Cul and shape tho smali cakes into tho two bedside tahles.
Roli out purpie sugarpaste and u.ti* It to cover the bedside tables with.