The Native American who bccamc known as Forge was not only trained in mystic arts by Naze, a shaman in his Cheyennc tribe, but was also a mutant, with the abiiity to invcnt highly-sophisdcated mechanical deviccs.
Forge lost a leg and a band during the Vietn »m War and designed mec hanical limbs to replacc them.When industrialne Anthony Stark (see Iron Man) stopped nuking adyanced weaponry for the federal government, the US Department began buying new wcaponry designs from lorge.ITie genius invcntor was soon at work, creating a scanning dcvice that could dctcct the presence of mutants and extraterrestrials. and a ncutralizing device capable of rcmoving the powers of any superhuman being.
When governmcnt agent Henry Peter Gyrioh shot the X-Mfn member codcnamed S ioum with Forge s device. depriving her of her mutant powers, Forge rescucd her. Cym h later hoped to use the neutraiizing dcvicc to eliminate the superhuman powers of cvery being on Earth, but his typically devious plans were thwarted by Forge. MT
For go srwros a tender moment wtfh Mystkjue. despte hs doop
feetlngs tor storm.
lnventor. former soldier BASE
Dallas, Texas
HEIGHT 6 ft WEIOHT 180 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Black
X-Men»184 (August 1984)
Mutanl aWlty głvos wperbuman tótont tor inv«nting mecTiarucal dewoes. WtWo ovcr> tho groaiost nvoo1ofs musi work out tto principate and design* of thar Inyenttons. the «ctoas lor Forge "$ «vontion3 Spring fu&y totmed kom his mutant mlnd.
f Forgotten One, The |
w |
Frankenstein^ Monster |
w |
Freedom Force |
FIRST APPEARANCE Efemela *13 (Jtfy 1977)
REAL NAME Unknown run baan known as Gtigemeeh OCCUPATION Adv«nturer. agent ot the Cekntułto BASE Motote HEIGHT C n 5 m WEICHT 269 te EYES Brown HAIR Boc« SPECIAL POWERS/ABIUTIES Supwhumwi ttrength and it*rvm immort ality: tul mental control ov«r body; a Wity to mampulate matter on a subotomc scalę.
FIRST APPEARANCE X-M«n *40 (January 1968*
OCCUPATION G**U*ar wanderw BASE Bayena. Gemwty HEIGHT 8 ft WEICHT 325 te EYES Brown HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABIUTIES the Moouor po*S*sv» •uperhuman strergtn and stamna; abfe to go nto suspendod •rwnabon wner exposed to rtiente coid
FIRST APPEARANCE Uncarwty X-Men VoL 1 »199 (Nov. 1965) BASE Wa&htngton DC MCMBERS AND POWERS MyMIgue Oeader) sbaptatuflar |4) Avatanehe groundguakea [7]; Błob •mmoyable. Crtmson Commundo ••xped combatant (6). Dostiny idecaaMdi. preoognrtion (3], Pyro (deceasedj Controls fire (5); Spidor Woman. sptder powoir,. Spiral, spellcaster [2|: Stonowali soperstrongth |1fc Super Sabro (decoasetfj. twperspeed [Dazrhf (8) ii not a mamb*)
\ member of the god-like race of Eternaia. the Forgottcn One has lived for millennia. As punishinem lor bis invoIvemcnt m the affairs of humauity. for many centurie* the Forgottcn One was confincd to the city of Olympia. only regaining his freedom after foiling jii attack by the Deviants. grotesquc, distant cousins of liunianity. Adopting the lianie Ciilgamcsh, the Forgottcn One went on to scrve with the, but during a battle with Im.moktus is thought to have been killed. Givcn the power of the Etcrnals. talk of the Forgottcn Oncs dcniisc may be premature. A D
In the late I Sch century. Vutor Frankenstein created a living humanoid crcaturc from diffcrcnt corpscs. Abandoned by his crcator. the Monster leartied to speak. and foreed Frankenstein to create a nutę for him. After Frankenstein killed ber. the Monster siew Frankenstein s own bridc. The Monster pursued his crcator to the Arctic. where Frankenstein perished. The Monster ssas revivcd in 1898 and again in modern times. As “Adam.” the Monster assisted monster hunter Elsa BlooiwTONE. PS
Freedom Forcc was a govcrnmcnt-sanctioned incarnation of the Broihcrhood of Evil Muia.viv formed to wipe out mutant threats to America. Group leader Mym iqui convinccd US otłicials to issue pardons for her teammates’ crimes in exchangc for servicc. Freedom Force elashed with outlaw mutants such as the X-Mi n aiul X-Facior. I lic Force later teamed with the X-Men to help savc I)allas,Tcxas from the Ai a'ERsary, hut the group disbandcd after a disastrous mission to the Middlc F.ast. DW