Humań Torch
Tłio Humań Torch can generale and contro! fro from my part ol l*s body.
(November 1961)
Johnny Storni and his older sister Sil san grew up on Long Island, New York, che children ot a doctor and his wifc. In spite ot'the fact ' tliat Johnny’s mother was killed iu? a car crash when he was ninc ycars old, the boy developed a passion and skill for building. fixing, and driving cars. He oserhanled his tirst transinission at the age of 15 The following year his father bought him liis first hot rod.
N The original Humań Torch was an android, created by ' Professor Phineas T. Horton. But the professors dream of
creating a perfect human beirtg faiied when the androtd's body, \
which was covered in photoeiectric solar cells. burst into flames upon contact with oxygen. Astonishingły, the android itseif was not | harmed by the tire.
I At first the public, fueied by the news media, labeied thls Human Torch 1 a menace. The Torch then rejacted his creator's “ownership." ciaiming he dtdn‘t want to be a “siave“ to someone morę concemed about his own famę than about his creation s wełl-bemg.
Once he leamed to contro! his flames. the Human Torch vowed never to use his power for evil or harm, and he became a chmefighter. When World War II broke out, the Human Torch teamed with other super heroes, using his abilities to fight the Axis Powers.
Over the years, the Human Torch found himself invotved with ^
Heroes for Hire, the West Coasf » '
Avengers, and even the Fantastic -1$**
Ado to oonlroi i'oat oiłwgy and cover his body with tioiy ptosma kr ovcr 10 houre belom noodtog lo irest. for abcot 12 Unre. He can rotaase a sńigło "ŃóvQ toursT which stikes with tho taco ol a nudear warhead. T)i« Torch can crcate shapos Tmm tamę. mcAiriing lottors which bum in tho sky kr 3 mkutee. He can słso ocnlrol tho temperaturo ot cojccts wflh *hs mmd. Ctothr^j s madę o< spooal hru-msstar** fabric.
ALLIES lnvisfclc W i l -Ihing, Mr. rantastiC. Lyia tho Lascrttst. Alba Masters, Spfcfer-Man.
FOES r> ► -:x Doom, o ,gl»t. Gormuu. Frightful Four. Galactus.
Whon Jotwny Storm* stać. Sue. ucccmpantod hc< fance, Reed Rkimrrta, into spaco. Johnny klrótod on tagging akjnęj. Transformcd Mo the Humań Torch. ho bettled the Mole Man
Th« I luman Torcłi croaies nuKipie ftarmog imnge«s oI iumseif ir» an uUempł lo e*cop<5 from froofool na:.veswtth ro*son tij^od spoors.
Whilc .i teenager, Johnny went to Californiu to visit his sister Susan who had inoyeil om west to beeomc an actrcss. Susan Storni (sec I.NVisim r W oman) was engaged to marry a hr physicist and cnginccr named Reed Riehards {sec Mimi k Fantastic.). Riehards was dcveloping a starship th.u wonld bo capable of exploring other galaxies.
Whilc Johnny was in California. the govcrninent threatened to cut oflf Riehards* iumling and so he deeidcd to prove his ship*s worth by taking it on a test lliglu to the stars. Reeds best friend Hen Grimm (see I iif Tiiing) piloted the craft. Susan and Johnny insisted on coming along.
In space. inadequatc shielding on the starship allowed a huge dose of cosmic radiarion to bombard the erew.They nianaged to return to earth using the autopilot, but all four were changed forever.
The cosmic rays altercd Johnny s genetic structure allowing him to create ficry plasma tliat covercd liis entire bodv in flames without causing him harm
Fofiowng oxjx»jrH lo cosmc racfafon, Johmy Storni* borty biret Into tamo.
in tho orignat kkrrmn Torch's skm to t**K! into flome, lo the sirortso ol tho ondtotl and rts croetot.
second hero to be known as the Human Torch.
Tho odgina Human Torch tocus ort ogeinst Johmy Słorm. tho Htfnan Torch of Fantastfc Four lamet
• Fantastic Four #4 Tho Human Torch quts Uie Fantostc •>,jt He mo»ns tho Suł>-Marinc» {lor lite ftrst brnę s*ice tho cvTvai ol hc<h cJwractorsi. włto throalow the hunan mce
• Fantastic Four Vols. 1-3 (tpb) ~ ■ ■ n m Torch's lASSC Hrtvontirus w*h tho Fantastic Four
• The Essontial Human Torch Vol. 1 (tpb) A00K> tn;n * scrne oI tho Hunan torch* kory ojwntim.
• Human Torch Vol. 1: Bum (tpb) A tory We. n wt.. t ■InTłfwy* hi^i schód mul mappoors *» hs Ho yoar* i
• Spidor- Mani Human Torch $1-5 I «• Hm ran T-rc^
do With SpkJer-Mun »> theso now uth-enturos.
TKATS HO yii >
Latcr.Alicia Master* was rcvcaled to be a spy named Lyja from the alicn race ofshapc-changers known as the Skruils.TIic deccption devasL»lcd Johnny. Usually hotheaded. wisccracking, and outgoing. he changed. becoming sullen and brooding lor long periods.
Johnny s ability as a medianie bas eonie in bandy, as hc has souped-up and redesigned the Fantastic Fours Fantasti-Car. M I
I Ic also discovered that hc was able to fly, shoot flames, and absorb heat.
Cali mg themselves the Fantastic Fouk, the tninsfornied astronauta deeidcd to team up and use tlieir new powers to help humankind. Johnny chose to cali himself the I luman Torch, the same mnie nsed by an android hero of the 1940s.
For a whilc. Johnny tried living with his sister on Long Island, attempting to complctc high school whilc at the same dnie trying to keep that fact he was the Human Torch a secret.This proved far morę difficult than he had anticipated. After hc fmished high school,Johnny moved into
Tłw Humań Torch can retora#
coocusaiwo błusis oi neat enorgy. oach paddhg a pcworfuł puncft.
the Baxter Building, the Fantastic Fours original headijuartcrs in New York C 'ity.
Johnny always loved to tease the unfortun.ite I HINC, Hen Grimm, who * was casily angered and jealous of Johnny s good looks and charm. Still. they felt a great affcction for each other. This howcver was greatly straincd when Johnny fcll in love with and cvcntually married the hlind sculptress Alida Mas fks, the only woman tliat had cvcr returncd Hens affcction.
Flaming on icocccpt for his latl urm). Johmy rescues a .■.■oman i
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