65505 TME1

65505 TME1


Alpha Flight

Canada’s foremost Super Hero team

Conceived as the Canadian governnient’s answer to the recent spate of superhuman activity within the United States, Alpha Flight was the brainchild ofjamcs MacDonald Hudson, soon to be known first asVindicator, then as Guardian. Inspired by the Fantastk: Four, 1 Itidson and his wite Heather cotwineed the Canadian government to found Department 11. which would be tasked with assembling a team of superhunians indigenous to the GreatWhite North.


•    Uncanny X-Mon 8120-121

AJpha Rght ambushes tbo X-Mcn n im atlempt io rocosw tho AWOL Wotvennci for Itw Canadian QOvomment.

•    Alpha Flight 912

Guardian is soomingty kłód during Alptta s battlo with Omega Flght.

•    Alpha Flight Vol. 3*1-6 With tho mol Alpha Fłght msfsng. Sasqualch ossomtolos a now team ol otf-boa! horoes.

Alpha Flight


fContarmiai 2Sasqunlch 3YtAon Jack 4 Puck II r    G

impervk>usness to harm.


Tramed flghter, skilled acrobal. SNOWBIRO

Transforms Into vanous Canachan ani mai forms.


Tamarind Istónd. Bntob Columbia


Uncanny X-Mon a120 (Apnl 1979)

The crtgriat toom batttod WoncSgo and othar v*tr« n a story mol foetured Oradon PM P*cro TnxX


Eioctromognotic battlesuit allows him to fty. surrounds him with a powerful (orco-lioW. and permits him to throw bolts of electromagnetłc lorce. V1NDtCATOR

Geothermic battlosuit oilows he< to fly. cause the earth to erupt votcan<calty. and biast a lavatike substance from hor hands. SHAMAN

Withdraws needed objects from enchanted medkane po uch SASOUATCH

Superhuman strength and


The project was implementcd using a threc-tiered training system: ncw reeruits or thosc whose powers proved utistable would be assigncd to Gamma Flight.

’I'hose whose conimand of their abilitics rcquired further training formed the basis of Beta Flight. lite front linę, the acrive members whose job it would be to rout any superhuman threats to the nation, were Alpha Flight.

I ludson intended th.u the man known as Logan (my Woi yirinh) orWEAPON X. whom he and his wife had nursed bu k to sanity after years living in the Canadian wilderness. would lead Alpha flight. I lowcvcr, tłiat task fell to Hudson hiimclf when l.ogan was reeruited by Professor X to bccome member of his X-Men team.

Alpha Flight endured a rocky relationship with the Canadian governtnent. bcing cast aside. then drafted back into tmlitary scrvice. And whilc the Beta and Gamma Flight units pmduced sonie lierocs w ho went on to serw with Alpha Flight, such as Puck. the programs were perverted for evil purposes, forming the nudeus of the sinister Omega Flight, Alphas opposite number. Still, the

members of Alpha Flight soldiered on. through deaths and resurrcctions, strange transformations and sudden rcwruls— loyal to their mission of protccting their honicland.

When the rest of Alpha Flight had been abducted by the alien Plodex. SASQUATCH assembled a new. oddball squad.This team induded the 4>7-yoar-old Centetinial. Major Mapleleaf. the son of a World War ll-cra hero. the de.uily Nemesis, Puck II (Puck s daughtcr),and the inystcriousYukon Jack. Whether thcsc lieroes will stav in Alpha Flight remains to be secn. TB



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