Tlie Krcc are aliens, similar in appearance to hunians but possessing twicc the strengtli and cndurance.They originated on the planet Hala in the Parna system, located in the Greater Magellanie Cloud, a planet they shared with another intelligent species, the plant-like Cotati. Krcc conslst of two primary races: the original blue-skinned race and a pink-skinned race which enierged millennia later.
• “Operation: Goloctic Storm" (19-part crossoverin Avengers, Avengers West Coast, Coptain America, Iron Man, Ouasar, Thor, and Wondor Man) The Kree-ShOir war comes to an cxpłosive oonclusioii when a noga-bomb noarty exterminat&s Kr co socioty.
• Maximum Security *1-3 A ncw galactic speoes. ttw Ruul, are rcvoalod to be Kree agents. tiatching a schcmo to restore »>Htr dncirnalcd empre.
Kree-Lar, Turunal system. Greater Magellanie Cloud
Fantastic Four vol. 1 *65 (August. 1967)
Warshps, brlstling with woapoory form the Kree detanse tteot and its cxpcditionary sinke taarns.
liUrriors doininatc Kree soriety. Other rttpeelMe professions include politifian and tcitnlist, sińce bolk ejn use their unijne ulotts to {fiponce thcglory oj theKrce empire.
Nearly a million years ago, the Skkulls landcd on Hala and set up a conccst between the Kree and the Cotati. When the Cotati were named as victors, the enraged Kree killed tlie contact team, stole their starship technolog^', and laimched the Kree-Skrull war that raged for eons.They took a special interest in Earth. creating the olfshoot ofhumanity kno as the Inhumans. Kree socicty was ruled by the Si i n i v i In i fii iGENt l, a Computer consciousnt formed by the eollectivc minds tlie grcatcstl ihmkers. In the modern era, tlie Krye óffiecl* M Vell m onted Earth fora possiblc iuvasum. but deie< to I .utlis side as the
I >urmg the Krec-Shi'ar war. a later conHitt sometimes v calletl Operation Galactic Storm. the Supremę Intelligence arranged for the detonation of a nega-bomb m Kree space in the hope ofjumpstarting the spccics-\olution. Over nincty percent of the Kree died. and the survivors became vassals of the Sw*AR.The Avfnc.ers cxecuted tlie Supremę Intelligence, ( fi* hut it survived, and using the Forcver Crystal, / .iccelerated the evoIution of sonie Kree into a ncw breed. the Kutii, which could (
poncaneousl) producc adiptations mu h as ^
the ability to Hy or to breathe underwater. CM 1 'nrmg Avengers I )isavsembled. I Iawkfye J
cmingly diod winie tighting a Kree l \ V
vasion lorce, but tliese Kree wetc prolubly tS
i inilcstations of the Scarli.i Witc.iis KWI ■ nniilible realitv-warping powers. ow 1 /kfl