HEIGHT i. ft 8 « WEłGHT 350 IbS EYES Biu»
Uncanny X-M«n »201 (January 1986)
A liuing link between present and futurę
Mutant with tsMpathic and tałokmtic atufcbes Possesww superhuman sbength.
Natban Cbństopher Summers OCCUPATION
Advecture*. former freedom fighter and US gover nment agar*
m the *Hou80 ot M* story*ne, Cable d«votved m*o an ntar*. Oeadpool rwcued the baby from Mister Smior. and Cable soon retumed to his twe age.
The warrior from thc futurę known as Nathan Dayspring Askani son, alias Cable, was actuaUy bom in modern times as Nathan Christopher Summers. He is the son ot' Scott Summers, Cyclops of the X-Men, and his fust wife Madelyne Pryor, a clone of Jean Grey, alias Phoenix.
Cable has cpent ha Me as a j
wamor, U* frytgs *x peace LIFE-SAVER
Ho one* eetabłahed the * . . . . , , ,
art»rocityo(PwKk«x» [ Apocalypse infected Nathan w«h a asatouróbcutopta. ;I “tcchno-organic” virus, which
would have killed him by turni ng his body to organie metal. A woman from the Clan Askam brought the child to her own dnie, an alternate 40th-eentury futurę. There Mother Askani, a eersion of Rachel Summers, halted the virus’ spread. Shc ako had Nathan ckmed. Apocalypse, who ruled this era, abducted the clone, who grew to become Cables evil twin, Stryfe. Mother Askani transported the souls of Scott Summers and Jean Grey into the futurę and, as “Slym” and “Rcdd”, they raised young Nathan. After the boy had destroyed Apocalypse. Scott and Jean returned to their own time
Nathan became the Clan Askani s foremost freedom tighter igarnst the New i aananites,łcd by Stryfe. Nathan married a tellów warrior. Aliya, and they had a son.Tylcr, but she was murdered by Stryfe. When Stryfe traseled back to the 2i itH - entury. (labie pursued him.There Cable foundcd the
•k enary team Si\ Pa< k, which meluded ln> lover Domino. 1 ater. Cable took command of the Ni w MuTANTS,and Horgmi/ed them into X-Rw.ce. Eventually Cable •iningly destroyed thc modern day Apocalypse: hc then twled the World as the men enary Soldier X. h» time, < labie came to believe that his powers rt kilhng him. I>eai>pooi and the Fixer tenun ed part of his bram and replaced the tr' hn o-orgmu matter in C a bies body, *aving c* nut greatly reducmg his powers. PS