f Death’s Head |
jf |
r De la Fontaine, Contessa |
:.W |
v Demolition-M an |
FIRST APPEARANCE 'Te Trar*.'om*r* *113 (May 1987)
REAL NAME D#*th's HoflKl
OCCUPATION Bounty hunter BASE NewYbrkCrty HEIGHT V*res WEIGHT VwwJ EYES Vm« HA IR Var»s SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Superhumarty strong ab* to detacb fcmbs and substłtute for weepons contro* hmba even when separated fiwn body, jęta m feet en*b*« sbort-range fltgbt
FIRST APPEARANCE Sttange lałeś #159 ^ugoaf 1967)
REAL NAME Yatentma Alegra de la FonUene OCCUPATION F xmer secret agent BASE Mobrta HEIGHT 5 ft 8 m WEIGHT 196**
EYES Blue HAIR Black wrth whrt# streek
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Superb strateg** and hand-io-
hand combatant: expart wrth most typee of weapor*
FIRST APPEARANCE 'Ta TNng Vol. 1 #28 (October. 1985;
REAL NAME Deon* Dunphy
OCCUPATION Adveotu«K BASE New Ybrk City
HEIGHT 6 ft 3M WEIGHT 335 *» EYES Bk* HAIR Nona
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Enhancad Stmngth and endurance
damage res<*iance: axpan wrestłar, tramed m band-to-band
combat by Captam Amenca
Bored with lite as a wealthy jet-setter, the Contessa began SHIELD traimng and caught the cyc ot’Nick Fury by defeating him in a hand-to-hand combat cxercise. T he two becamc lovers and teannnates, worki ng to help SHIbLD put down threat** from HYDRA and A IM. The Contessa later led SHIF.I l)s Femme Force, an elito group of female agents. Following SHILLDs takeowr by artifin.il lifeforms called the Deltites. the Contessa hclped Fun disband the agcncy and restructurc lt. ow
Dcaths I Icad 15 a cyborg originally built by tcchno-mage I.tipex .15 a shcll tor his own niind. Lupcxa plan was ruined by his wite. w ho activated the cyborg* comciousncss and cauted che au tonu ton to Hee. Ever sińce, Dcaths Ilead has hopped betwcen rcalines and time periods. Following jn encoumer with the Time Lord known as the I )octor hc was dmnped in the year 8162. Since tlien hc has visited contemporai Y Farth and liarth ot the year 2020, mccting Iron Man. Spiiw-r Man and the X-Mkn. ad
(iiven superhuman strength by the corrupt Pou-m Broker. Denms Dunphy became a member of the Unlimited Class Wresthng Federacion. There, he befriended theTiiiNO, and later left the UCWF to become ('mm ain America s unofficial partner as the costumed Hero/
D-Man. On a mission to infiltrate the Flv.-S\i\shfr \
Arctic stronghold, I)- Man sccmingly died in the explosion of an Ayłmji rs’ Quinjct.
I Iowcvcr. I )-Man sumved among the Inuit for a time, before returning to New York City and bcconiing protcctor of the homclcss in the subterrancan Zerotown. dw
The Defenders arc a Ioosc aftiliation of lieroes. In faci. the core four Iiefenders are often at odds with one another, and Only band together when there is no Other option availablc. Imnally. tlie Defenders allied thcmseKes to face the menace poscd by an interdimensional scientist-sorcerer named Yandmih, and his Omegatron
device w hic h threatened _
to destroy the worid.
Thereufter. when met by circumstances in which they recjuired assistancc. the indiudual Defenders would often seek each other out. Ocer the ycars. other heroes havc become i»volved in the acm ities of this “non-team,” notably Nk;h i hawk, the Vai kyril, and I Tellcat , but despitc efforts over the years to oiłicialize the partnership, the mdieidual Defenders rcmain too different in temperament and outlook to remain a unit for łong. tb
The Defenders team usuałiy operates out of Doctor Stranges sanctum ir Greenwich Wlage. New York City
Marvel Foature Ul (December 1971)
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