Suit conluint liny crfOgatU units called
The moro watcr thoro is in the air, thc morę powerful is Bii/zflfdfe suit. In and conditcns itIs
fhe story of Blizzard bcgins and ends with thc runie Stark. ł.mploycd by Stark Industries. Dr Gregor Shapanka bccantc obsessed with his own mortalicy and attenipted to steal and sell Stark transistor technoiogy iii order to fund research into longevity.
After bcing sacked for his niisdemcanours, Shapanka dcveloped a suit capable ofgencrating innnensc cold. Using it to perform acts of villainy. he t anie to be known as Jack Frost or Blizzard and becamc a neniesis of Iron Man, battling him tinic and again. Shapanka s lito came to an end when lic was killcd by Arno Stark, an Iron Man from the year 2020 who had travellcd back in tinie to retrievc Shapanka s retina patterns to disami a bomb.
Shapanka s successor as Blizzard was Donny Gili. an employco of Justin Hammłr. I laving employed the original Bhzzartl to undertake various tjuestionablc schemcs in thc past it is likely that it was Hammer who pros ided Gili with his Blizzard suit. His work for Hammer was to leatl to his imprisonment. but when released Iron Man persuaded Gili to leave Hammer s employ and Tony Stark took him under
Dr. Gregor Shapanka OCCUPATION
Former scientist; criminal BASE New York City
HEIGHT 5 ft 6 in WEIGHT 165 Ibs
EYES Brown HAIR Brown
TaJes ol Suspenso Vol 1 #45 (September 1963)
Gk)vos on Blizzard^ balUesuit coułd projeci inienso coid, generale freezing misi. mm-bfc/yards ol snów. Steel, and darts ot ico thal coukl pierco metal; he coiid free/e pooplo by cownny in frost; oscaped capturo by croatog an ce skte. Ho has no Supertnunan powcrs.
Onee a lowly carnival freak in a traseling circus. Lift* changed for Fred J. Dukes when hc was vidtecl by the uncanny X-Mfn. who revcalcd to him thcmsclws, he was a mutant. Rather than accepl their oltcr ol mcinbeisłnp m their sch,ci$jj||r d:u:ik >ui his ncwfound status,aiwj;
siroy them .is ilu- Blob. Rctftl \1 •< n > to become a ik. ':m Hm o, i-aii Miiśmmmm
:::cred into a lito of crilp^.Cj^łhgittCD ontlu t not only ssńth thc^jUcn. but the V.: s< i rn and thc & welk For a
n.;u\ the Blob worketl with che gowrmnent-p> uiNored tncan$j^:^th$ btotherhood known as FRE^fl®|pS|^ buc morę reeendy lawless
' .ireer asy albcit
Cremnal: former
circus performer
WEIGHT 976 Ibs
EYES Brown HAIR Brown
UNCANNY X-MEN *3 lJanuary 1964)
.ut> re
Sufjertmnan strength and durobiMy. Fal ty txxfy can absorb bOtots, ovon artHory shuls. and is imjxwvxxis to injury; howovor oyos. oors. iKłse. and mouth aro not as Injury-rosistanl. wiien iie (jłants limseif firmły. tho Blob bonds with lim ground beneath him and cannot bo moved
Wlien tha Bkjb sets himsolf in ono poation. his rnutanl abiily makos it ałmost łnpossible for an outsido forco to dislodge fwn