54743 TME3

54743 TME3

7 Bloodstorm


v Blue Shield


f Bluebird

FIRST APPEARANCE Mutant X #1 (Octobw 1998)


OCCUPATION Advenluref BASE Earth ol Mutant X univef$e HEIGHT 5 tt 11 Jo WEIGHT 196 Ibs EYES Bfuo HAIR White SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Possessed vampinc powers. incłudmg hypnotte aMtios and the power to transform into mist, a bat. (X a wotf; can controi the weather over limited areas.

FIRST APPEARANCE Oazzler #5 {July 1981)

REAL NAME Joseph Cartolli OCCUPATION Security Director for Project: Pegasus BASE Mount Athena. New York HEIGHT Sft WEIGHT 180 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Formerty wore microcircuitry-lined bełl which rcreased strength and geoerated (orce field around body. now. owing to prolonged exposure. no tonger needs bełt.

FIRST APPEARANCE UntoW Tales of Spder-Man #11 REALNAME Sally Avnl OCCUPATION Student; adventurer BASE Midtown H^h School. New York HEIGHT 5 ft 2 In WEIGHT 110 bs EYES Brown HAIR Black (blonde wig) SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Stolen technołogy from the VUture enabfed her to fty usmg power pack and wings: also had a devic© that omitted an ultrasomc. ear-splitting scream.

FIRST APPEARANCE Tales to Attomsh »81 (Juty REAL NAME Fredenc- Myers OCCUPATION Assassm lor hke BASE Mobile HEIGHT Sft 11 m WEIGHT 1 /5 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES BniUant baseball pitcher. famed customizod boomorangs. such as exptosive 'shjttorangs.' pocsonous -gasarangs.’ d.amond Sharp 'razorangs.*


from unos


Years ago Drac uia bit Storm of the X-Min. who began transforming into a vampire. In the main Marvcl Universe, Storm was cured. But on the alternatc Earth where the “Mutant X" scries was set. Storm completed her metamorphosis, becoming the vampiress known as Bloodstorm. She nevertheless refused to tum villainess. and fed only on the blood of that reality s Force, with his consent. Bloodstorm joined the Six, a team mostly eomprised of former members of that reality s X-Men. Por aiding the people ofyet another alternate Earth. Earth X. Bloodstorm was rewardcd by reeeiving a blood transfusion which cured her vampirism. PS

Even as a boy. Joseph Cartelli seemed destincd for a jail celi. He was always cutting school. running errands for local gangsters. or committing petty crimes. A boyhood friend of his was an inventor who borrowed money from loan sharks to build a persona! force field. When this friend was murdered by the Barrigan crime family for failing to repay the debt, C 'artelli decided to use the force field to help get his rcvcngc. He went undercover.joining the Barrigans’ gang with the intention of destroying it from within. After accomplishing this goal, Cartelli tried to join the AvhN<a.RS as the Blue Shield. He later replaced Quasar as the Security Direc tor for Project: Pegasus. TD

Australian Fred Myers moved to the US as a child and became a major leaguc baseball player renowned for his amazing accuracy. Suspended for taking bribes. a bitter Myers turned to crimc full-time.Thc criminal organization known as the Empire gave him the codename and, mindful of his throwing skills, him with a rangę of specialized projecnle weaponry. Boomerang later obtamed financ backing fromjustin Hammer and became ai assassin. working for Hammerhead and alongside the Sinister Syndicai h. Boomerang has battled SHIFLD. 1)arldevii and Spidlr-Man and. although thesc heroes have been victorious, they know that they can’t relax—after all, boomerangs nearly always come back.

A classmate of Peter Parker s at Midtown I Iigh, Sally Avril adopted the cosnimcd identity of Blucbird after heing inspired by the esploits of Spidlr-Man. Possessing no superhuman abilities or cvcn proper training. Bluebird proved to be a danger to herself and to others, until Spider-Man eventually convinccd her to put aside her costumed identity and return to life as a student. Tragically. she was killed shortly thereafter in an automobile accident. TB


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