Roth, Arnold

| W

Ruiz, “Rigger”



FIRST APPEARANCE Capia n America #270 (May 1982) REALNAME Arnold "Arnie' Roth

OCCUPATION SaiJor. later puWiost. later costume shop manager BASE New Ybrk City

HEIGHT Unreveaied WEIGHT Jnrevealed EYES Blue HAIR Grey SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Possessed ihe normal human strength of a man of his age who engaged m mtid exefose

FIRST APPEARANCE The M.ghty Thor \fol. 1 #426 (Nov. 1990) REAL NAME Margarita Allegra 'Rigger’ Rwz OCCUPATION Police oWcer BASE New York Crty HEIGHT Unknown WEIGHT Unknown EYES Unknown HAIR Black

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Adept rangę of weaponry: sho

mvented *port-a-pui»ey* for easy navigation of eievaiof shafts.

FIRST APPEARANCE Punisher Vol 5 «8 <Novembor 2000)

REALNAME Unrevealed


HEIGHT 7 ft 2 In WEIGHT f»73 Ibs

EYES Bluo HAIR Reddish-blond

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Post-reconstruction. the Ruwmh possessed enhanced strength and damago resrsłance.

Arnold Roth becamc fricnds with Stew Roger* when thcy wcrc growing up in the 1930s. During World War II. Roth scrved in the US Navy and rcalizcd that Captain America was his friend Stcve.While Captain America spent ycars in suspcndcd animadon. Roth aged normally. Lcarning of Roths friendship with Captain America. Baron Helmut Zemo (*«■ Baron Zrmo I) imperiled Roth and liis life partner. Michael. Later. the Rh> Skuli captured Roth. i 'aptain America and Roth remaincd fricnds. Roth worked as the Avkngers* publicist and m.maged Stcve Rogcrs* costume shop before dying from bont* cancer. PS

Margarita Allegra "Rigger" Ruiz is the armory spccialist of Codę: Blue. a SWAT team designated to deal with superpowered criminals. Bodybuilder Rigger has come face-to-facc with these superhumans on a regular basis and her experience$ havc becn many and varicd.The strongest member of Codę: Blue,

Rigger bas rescucd hostages from the Wrecking Crew. bcen drivcn mad by the SuperViUain Demenua. and posed .ls a slave during a mission to Asgard. During this last assignmcnt, Rigger also Hirtcd with Fandral the Dashing. an Asgardian noble—life is ncver duli in Codę: Blue. AD

The mercenary nicknamed “the Russian" acccptcd a job from crimc boss Ma Gnucci to kill the PuNisiiER.Aftcr a brutal fight. the Punisher smothered the Russian, later taundng Ma Gnucci by showing her the Russian s severcd head. A sccret paramilitary agency then resurrected the Russian, giving him an enhanced body with boosted olfactory senses, three hearts. and a tougbcncd skeleton.This new body rei|tiired regular mjcctions of fcniale hormones. I he Russian apparemly died w hen he was caught in the exp!osion of a iiuclcar warliead on Grand Nixon Island. dw


General John

A memiicioiLs individual, General John Rykcr was involvcd in US Prcsident Kennedy s assassination, dropped gamma bombs on US troops in the Gulf. and was desperate to learn the seeret behind the Huk. Rykers obsession with old (Ireenskin was driven by a need to fmd a cure for his c.incer-ridden wife.

Ho\vever. when she found out what he was doing.

Ryker fled. In his drive to understand the I lulk.

Rykcr torniented Banner and many others.Vagrants

from across America were takeu to Rykers research facility w liere they were subjected to agomsing tortures. Realizing that success lay in the rather than physical manipulation of his test subjeets. Ryker began using his soldiers. He tr.msformed one man—Priv.itc Tibbctts—into a corrupted vcrsion of the Hulk, codenamed Flux. Dcfinitely driven. certainly insane, he may have disappeared for the timc beitig but Ryker is certain to return. AD

tacos a p.nnfii doolh by gamma raefotion.

General John Ryker

Ryker, General John

Briiant manipulator of othors, possesses inluifive unctersfanckng of others’ emotiOłv«i winorałdities: oxceptionni stratogrsf. excels ot soomg big ptefnre; lnvoterate Dar; psycholic dispasam for tho suftermg o< others.



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