66458 TME 1

66458 TME 1


Mother Night

Moy, Dr. Alyssa

FIRST APPEARANCE Captam America #356 (August 1989)

REAL NAM E Susan ScarbO

OCCUPATION Agent of the Red Skuli BASE Rod Skulls chalet HEIGHT 5 ft 7 in WEIGHT 133 Ibs EYES Green HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Expor1 hypnotist: coold generate iliusions. make horsełf appear to be mvwnble. and lorce others to

obey her will.


FIRST APPEARANCE FantasłiC Four #5 (May 1998)

REALNAME Dr. Alyssa Moy

OCCUPATION Scientist and explorer BASE Mobile HEIGHT 5 ft 9 in WEIGHT 1 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES A scientific genlus on a par with Reed Richards Wmself. she carries a urwecsal skeleton key and

dnves a ftymg car.

Muggins, Mamie


FIRST APPEARANCE Amazmg Spdor-Man Vol. 1 #139 (December 1974) REALNAME Mam>o Muggins OCCUPATION Landlady BASE New York City HEIGHT 5 ft 7 in WEIGHT :-:oibs EYES Blue HAIR Whrto

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES An uncanny ability to sense when me ront i$ due.

Alyssa Moy knew Reed Richards before he foumled the Fantas i k Four.The pair becamc romantically involved and Reed once even proposed to her.

They remained in contact after JM] Reed s cosmic mutation and, in recent years. Alyssa has lent occasional support to the Fantastic Four who returned the favor by curing her ot" a mystical virus.Things did become a little strained when Sue Richards (Invisihi f Woman) learned oFReeds proposal all those years ago. but Alyssa is likely to remain a Fantastic Four ally for sonie time. A D

Susan Scarbo and her brother Melvin wcrc stage hypnotists whose ambitions grew beyond show business. They turned to crimc, Susan took the name “Suprema,*’ and was enlisted by the Kkd Skull.

(‘hanging her identity to Mother Night. she took command ot"the Sisters oi Sin. lormerly led by the Ked Skulls daughter Synthia (also known as Sin). In this role,

Mother Night battled Caitain America.

When the Red Skull was captured by Magneto, Mother Night joincd with the Skeleton Crew (Red Skulls main operatives) to tr\ and free łiini. Mother Night was killed by the Winter Soldier. MT

Mamie Muggins is an apartment superintendent in the Chelsea area of New York City. whose most notable tenant has bccn Peter Parker, better known as Simokk-Man.

Mrs. Muggins lives with her husband Barney, and was known for nagging Peter ovcr his rent payments and interrogating him about the crashing sounds she hcard Corning from his residence. I ler niece Candi lived across the hall from Peter, along with Candi s roommates Bambi and Randi.The trio often sunbathed on the buildings roof. hampering Peters ability to sneak in unnoticed through the buildings skylight. DW

Multiple Man

After his parents died.Jamie Madrox mutant power to dupheate him>elf ran riot 1 he Fantasiu Four subdued Madn»x, and turned him over to P'«1SM X so he could learn how to control his mutant talent But Madrox wasn’t comfortablc around othe people. and chose instead to work with Dr. Moira M v 1 \< .< .akt at her Muir Islam) complex.

\l.nirox becamc a member of X-Fac for. making the first truć tncmbnfhis lifc. After \-Factor was disbanded, Madrox sent his duplicates out into the world to experience all the possibilities lite had to offer. Recently. however. he has opened a detccrive .igency, X-Factor ImesUgations. in the heart of Manhattan s Mutant Town district. TB





■Mutant Town,” New York City

HEIGHT 5 ft 11 in WEIGHT 155 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Brown


&ant-Sa» Fantastic Four #4 (Octobar 1974)

Mrtdrox has (ust ono Sit**tuman ability: when simek, i*> can cmalu dupkcatos oI himsełf. Each duplcate łasts as long « ho wishes and embocJes an uspect Of t*s poesnnairty Ho aho has a spooal suit. wheh prwents

Uncanny X Mar> #125 łouiurod Madrox the Miitpłe Man and Moira MacTaggart m “Tho Mysłory of Mur Island.'


dupficabon takng płaco

// //




Bocause each of his dupicates s h (acot o# fts personofcty. M<Wmx can have probtoms when l»e hoa £ (o make h qutek dedston

...... .



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