58741 TME2

58741 TME2


MacTaggart, Dr.


FIRST APPEARANCE Uncanny XMen #316 (Septembef 1994) REAL NAME Mooot St. CfOix

OCCUPATION investigator BASE Mutant Town area o1 New York HEIGHT 5 n 7 m WEIGHT 125 IbS EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES M possesses supertiuman strength ano durabitity. ftight and telepał hy.

FIRST APPEARANCE Uncanny X-Mon vol.1 *96 (Docember 1975) REAL NAME Mowa Krnross MacTaggart OCCUPATION Genelcist BASE Muir Island, Scotland HEIGHT 5ft7m WEIGHT 35lbs EYES Błoe HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Brilliant genetiost with expertise m the mutant genome.

FIRST APPEARANCE Strange Tales vol. 1 #123 (August 1964) REAL NAME Abn«r Jenkins

OCCUPATION Supertłero. lormer crimmal BASE New York City HEIGHT 5 ft 11 in WEIGHT 175 ibs EYES Brown HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Armored flight suit prowdes enhanced strength and super sonie flight; has a buiłt-in tactical

Computer and a generator that can liro dectrostatic blasts.

Moim MacTaggart met Charles Xavifr (Pkofessor X) at Oxford Uniwrsity. Thcy agreed to wed hut she latcr hrokc ort* as she was alrcady

their engagement, locked into an abusivc marriage. She borę a child (Proteus) to her husband __ but kept his existenee a secret,

\ ł\ and also adopted the mutant 1 / \ child Kahnc Sinclair ł    (W01 fsbani). I .ater, she

'truck up a romance w'lh Sean Cassidy (Bansmee). MacTaggart established a Mutant tB8&Research Center on Muir Island ort* the coast of \\ Scotland, where she found a , \ cure for the Legaey virus. Słie ,    \ latcr died in an explosion

I \ causcd by Mystique. dw

Abncr Jenkins* career began as the Betu*, a criniin.il whosc armored suit allowed him to fh. Mc latcr joined the Mastf.rs of ^^B^ Evil and agrccd to Baron \ \ Zlmo’s schcnic that the as Super

Hcroes, the    ^^^B

Thumji-.riiolts. As    ^B

the MipcrMMiu MACH 1.Jenkins learncd ih.u being .1 Hero had its 1 rewards, and most of the team dccidcd to go straight.Jenkins bccame MACI 1-2 and MACI 1-3 winie semng prison scntcnces for past crimes. He currently leads the Thundcrholts as MAC.!H-IV, scrving alongside his longtime Iovc interest Songbird. DW

A self-motivated mobile weapons system, X-51 was designed to be a killcr. I Ic was part ufa gmernment project to build robot soUliers that could make independent decisions. I lis limbs could extcnd IfK) łeet and his endoskeleton housed solar power augmemed battenes. muhi-optical imaging deviccs with zoom and inagniiying śensors, and antt-gravitv deviees allowmg Hight.

His fingers were etjuipped with miniaturę lasers. concussiw blastcrs and a .357 Magnum pistol. Beliesing tlur 1 robot iould i likc .1 man ifhc was treated like one. I )r. Aaron St.uk ^ look X-51 into his bonie and even designed a liuman face for

Robot composed oMłtanajm aBoy. Motonzed enctoskdotoo w4»c#i housos a vnsl nrray ol weapons syslems

_ him. The project was latcr terminated and KĘ^WlBh. '/r¥r^ only X-51 eseaped destruetion. Assuming the identity of Aaron Staek. lie attempted to BBBuB^EbS^^I assimilate into hunian socicty and latcr met U r wfl    13 Ce ars Garvin.a mechanic w ho repaired

to    body. X-51

:i ‘ 1    . I •    I

i    I ..

CB j i!bł\bL

BMM^WBBBMPWb in return for the Super-Ahaimoids


these aetions, X-51 latcr aided the West Coast Avengers againstTerminus and the original HumańTorch’s old enemy the Mylna, td

to relniild her. Id make auieuds for


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