
v Nightshade


v Nitro


FIRST APPEARANCE Slrange TateS *110 (Jtiy 1963)

REAL NAME Unknown OCCUPATION Ruler ot the Nightmare World BASE Uve Nightmare world with»n the Dream Oimension HEIGHT/WEIGHT Vanabk> EYES Black HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABIUTIES A demon who draws power from the psych-c energies of the Suhconsc»oos minds of dreaming sentient beings; can draw the hfe energy Irom sleeping peopłe, ieaving then in comas; manippiates the substancc ol the Dream Dimension.

Nightmare, who has battlcd Doctor S i rance, is the rulcr of the Nightmare World within the Dimension of Dreams, where the lite essence ofhumans is brought while they sleep. Nightmare monitors the collcctivc unconscious ofhumans, and can manipulate the dreams of an individual, giving them nightmares, to gaili control of that person. Nightmare is a creation of the human need to dream; if humans did not have this need, or if all humans vanished, Nightmare would cease to cxist. His ultimate goal is to incorporate the waking world into his own domain. MT

FIRST APPEARANCE Captain America »164 (August 1973)

REAL NAME Tikła Johnson

OCCUPATION Crtminal mastermind BASE New York City HEIGHT 5f14in WEIGHT 115 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES A fair athiete and accompłisbed Street fighter; bnfcant scientist and inventor. m the past has created mind-contro*ng Chemicals and irfefcke robots.

FIRST APPEARANCE Thor *411 (December 1 REAL NAME Dwayne Michael Taykx OCCUPATION Crime-fighter BASE Ambr osa BulkJrng and a former lactory m New York City HEIGHT 6 ft 3 ir WE IGHT 220 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES '.Teapons m battle-suit inciude truncheona, aorosots. a poeumahcalły-fired płton-Une and an Uzi submachine gun. Fiberglass skaieboard doubles as a shieW.

After his wealthy parents were murdered, Dwayne Taylor grew up determined to figlu criine. Encouraged by his guardians Chord and Tai, he gathered and tunded a group of heroes whom he named the New Warriors. But it emerged that Tai was really a sorceress from Kampuchea, who planned to sacrificc the New Warriors to gain control of a breach into a mystical dimension callcd the Weil of All Things, and thus rule the world. Night Thrasher traveled to Kampuchea and helped destroy the Weil. On his return, he continued to scrve with the New Warriors as well as running the Taylor Foundation. TD

FIRST APPEARANCE Captam Marvel Vol. 1 »34 (Soplomber 1974) REAL NAME Robert Hunter

OCCUPATION Professional criminal BASE MoWo HEIGHT 6 ft 3 In WEIGHT 235 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR While SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Can oxpk>de his body. or any part of his body, and reconstrtute himself at will Cannot remtegrate if any of his mtfocutoa become separated from the rest.

FIRST APPEARANCE Exiles *1 (August 2001)

REAL NAME Talia Josephine Wagner

OCCUPATION Adventurer BASE England

HEIGHT 5 ft 7 In WEIGHT 125 Ibs EYESYettow HAIR ln<*go

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Nocturne can inhabit the body of

another person and remain in control of it for one lunar cycle. She

can aiso ftre biasts of energy, and possesses a prehensile taił.

The daughter of Nightckawler and the Scarutt Wrrcii in a parallcl rcality, Nocturne became "unstuck in timc" and was the first reeruit to the interdimensional team of reality-fixers, the She was close to her tellów Exile Thunuerhikd, and was dcvastatcd when he wa: slain. After a mission to the prime rcality in which she met our world s vcrsion of her father, Nocturne opted to remain herc. She infiltrated the Broti ieri lOOD of Evii.

Mutants as a double agent for the X-Men. but was captured by Mojo. Freed by the X-Men,

Nocturne accompanied 1 father to the UK. where s joined Captain Britain'5 Exgaliuuk team. TB


FIRST APPEARANCE Capia." Amonca Vol 1 »282 (June 1983)

REAL NAME Jack Monroo

OCCUPATION Advenlvł©r BASE Mobile

HEIGHT 5 fi 11 m WEIGHT 200 Ibs

EYES Brown HAIR Brown

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES PhysicaJ pertection through the

super-soldier formula: skdted at throwing stun dises.

A child prodigy growing up in an poor Harlcm neighbourhood.Tilda Johnson devcloped a sophisticated

understanding of physics. geneties and cybcrnctics.

I lowever she lud her brilliance bchind a veneer of childish bchaviour. I )etermincd ncver to cxpcrience povcrty again.Tilda saw crime as a way to get rich quick and assumed the name Nightshade. Using various Chemicals to control others, she rosę to a prominent position in New York s underworld but drew the attention of Power Man and Iron Fisr.Their repcated intemrntions eventually led to an exccnded prison sentence. A D

Nitro is the result of expcriments by the renegadc Krkk scientists of the Lunatic Legion, who took electrical engineer Robert Hunter and transformed him into a near-indestructiblc bcing able to explode and reasscmble his moleeules. He can explode cither his wholc body or any part of it. On an early criminal mission. Nitro exposcd Capiain

Mar-Vf.ll to ncrve g.»s, giving the hero the cancer that i later killed him. Nitro is only able to rcconstitute himself if all his moleeules are present. He can be stopped by trapping a portion of his moleeules in an airtight Container while he is in an exploded State, thereby prcventing his body from reintegrating. DW

During the 1950s, young Jack Monroc became the “Bucky” sidekick of the replacemcnt Captain Amerr":a active during that period.The iwo battlcd Communists until the super soldicr formują atTected their sanity; the US govcrnmcnt then placcd Monroc in suspended animation. SI IIELD helped curc Monroc s madness upon his reawakening decades later, and hc worked with the rcal Captain America as Nomad. Later, governmcnt agent Henry Gyrich placcd Nomad under nanobot control and forced him to become the newest SCOURGE OF i HE Underwx)ri n.Thc mysicrious Winter Soldier recently assassinated Nomad. DW


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