Nick Fury grew up on the inean strects ot"Helis Kitchen in New York during the Great Depression ot the I930s. Reeruited by "Happy” Sam Sawycr. w ho would serve as his commatiding ofłicer lor most ot the war. Fury enlisted in the US Army at the outbreak ot World War II, evcntually becoming the Sergeant in ofthe Howling Comniandos. an elite unit ofAble ( ompany given the most dangerous missions.
Fury and his I lowiers raked up an imprc«i\x* striug of victories ovcr the A.\is lorce*, defcating siu h łoes as Baron Von*
Siuuoker and his Blitzkrcig Si)uad. and even the legendary Rei* Skuii hiimclf.Woundcd at the end ofthe war. Fury was injectcd willi an e.Nperimental Infmity Formula hy Professor Bcrthold Sternberg.The formul.i alloweii Fury to survive what would have oiherwise bcen latał injuries (though lie diii evemually Lose his leli oye as a resułt ofthis injury). hut the drawback was Fury would necd to mgest a yearly ilosage to sumce. < )n the plus side. the formula greatly e\temled Fury V natura! iifcspau—and lor dccades. Professor Sternberg bl.ukinailed Fury for great suins A L. V... •i>>!,C!^vVV in order to proudc the neeessary supply ofthe drug.
Dt« ; f/t!**, Ft/v iws accoti-s to me After the War. Fury beiMine an operatiec of tłie
$ia!o oMh^ait OSS. and then the CIA.
carning the rank of Colonel.
Whcti heroes su di as che Fantasi ic i . i ii< beg.rn to the CIA iiiploycd Fury as a liaison betswen rlicm and the gosermnent.
I liercafter. thanks to his sterling . ord. Fury was reeruited to head ni> SFlIFil D.a worldwide ;v u ekeeping torii*. SFUL.I D\ tiret tmwoti was to de\troy the terror ist tel HYDRA, wliich had bcen aied by Furys old nemesis. IJaronYbn Strucker.
V M IIF.LDs chief. Fury bas battleil threats to freedoni all i the world. and prosed a stauncli ally to many ofthe m Super I leroes. sueh as Csitain Amfru \.
\iiswvrable only to thosc world loadors iu the highest n*»ns ot'authority. Nick Fury stuiuls as .in nnport.un liman on the walls officeilom. MT
• St rangę Talos *135 *
• Mck Fury vs. SHIELD * 1-6
cc ret War *1-5
Fury, Nick
NchoiM JoMph Fuy OCCUPA TION Spymaster, dirtctor of SHIELD BASE
SHIELD mobłto HeBcerrter
HEIOHT 6 ft 1 In WEK3HT 225*»
EYE8 Brown
HAIR Brown, graytng at tempłes
Sgt Fury and His HowUng Commandoa 91 (May 1963)
Retourecful, eool, eoumgeota anJ eommitted to the caute. Fury is a superh field agent, at toell at a brilliam leader of othert.
Nh* Fury 13 u iranwl sokJim wrtn 00CUC103 <J* Cxp«nClC« Hik youłli and ytflOf liaw t*cm rnanUunod do^yio h-sagit by in* rojiMna!^ Infnlty Formula Ho on oxport tnanuil artetf and b>oWy trom-d in ltmi uso of all koda o? woaoona. bom conyontionrtl and